Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Lyht/ArsArcanum»

* location.
* connection
* ?DNA
* spiritual event, sheod, abuse, etc.
Another quote that is interesting: "We think about the window, we know about the window, what is and isn't a window takes on... meaning in the Spiritual Realm, takes on life, after a fashion"
Dont know where to put this, but Duralumin with Feruchemy can be used to establish the connection to a new world and help in gaining access to the local magic system. (WoB: Q: I’m not sure if it was duralumin or something but the Feruchemical ability to store connection, is that how Hoid worldhops? It stores Connection to another world? B: It’s a good question, it doesn’t have anything to do with worldhopping *but* what it does do is once you have worldhopped you can change your Connection to which planet you are on, which helps you with magic systems. [http://www.17thshard.com/news/events/giant-transcription-of-slcc-audio-r201 SLCC Transcript 2014])
=== Process ===
