Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Jarno87/Adolin»

Streamline summary of WoK 25&26
(Restore references to minor characters (leather workers))
(Streamline summary of WoK 25&26)
==== A House Divided ====
Days later, Adolin goeswent to findsee his father at the [[Gallery of Maps]]. WhenAdolin herevealed asksthat howhe thewas meetingnow with Highprincecourting [[RoionMalasha Seveks]] went Dalinar informs him that it did not go as well as they had hoped. AdolinThey quotes some scripture todiscussed Dalinar's surprisemeeting andwith Adolin reveals that he is courtingHighprince [[Malasha SeveksRoion]], nowwho afterdeclined thingsto went rocky withwork Janalatogether.{{book ref|sa1|18}}So, Adolin asks his father if heDalinar plansplanned to approach the rest of the highprinces and Dalinar indicates that he doesothers. Adolin thenbrought informs his fatherup that Sadeas is asking forasked permission to enter their warcamp tofor continue thehis investigation. andAdolin tellswas his father that heworried thinksabout Sadeas' ismotives, going to move against them as he is in an ideal position to shift blame for the assassination attempt on House Kholin.but Dalinar pointspointed out that denyingdeying Sadeas's authority would make them look guilty but that he also trusts Sadeas because of adviceundermine the visionsking's gaveas him.well Adolinbesides is not pleased to hear this and point blank accuses his father of bettingmaking the futureKholins oflook their house on his visions. Dalinar denies this and promises that if Sadeas did make a move he wouldn't stand by and watch. This is not enough for Adolinguilty.{{book ref|sa1|25}}
|You aren't well, father, […] We need to stop tiptoeing around it! You need to stop making up increasingly irrational explanations to reason away your lapses! I know it's hard to accept, but sometimes, people get old. Sometimes, the mind stops working right.
|Adolin to Dalinar{{book ref|sa1|25}}
}}To Adolin's dismay, Dalinar stated he was trusting Sadeas because of the visions. Adolin then accused his father of betting their house's future on the visions. Dalinar attempted to reassure Adolin by stating he would not stand by idle to see their house fall, and dismissed Adolin.{{book ref|sa1|25}}
Having heard enough his father dismisses him promptly and as Adolin leaves he tells himself that it was something that had to be said but admits he feels sick that he was the one who had to say it. {{book ref|sa1|25}}
Dalinar and Adolin speakspoke to one another some days later when Dalinar callscalled for the army to mobilize for a plateau skirmish. Adolin apologizesapologized for where and how he said his grievances to his father, though he iswas not sorry for voicing them. Just as they arewere about to set off a messenger approaches with news that, Sadeas is demandingdemanded admittance to the warcamp. Dalinar allowsallowed it though Adolin is quickhim to supposeaccompany thatthe Sadeasplateau isrun out for their blood. When they approach him Sadeas says he canto conduct histhe investigation as they head out, making a snide comment about their speed given that they use the slow chull carried bridges.while Adolin trieswas tovery objectsuspicious toof Sadeas coming along as it will distract the soldiers but Dalinar overrides Adolin's suggestions. They leave Sadeas to his investigation as they head outintent.{{book ref|sa1|26}}
Adolin, along with Dalinar lead the charge against the Parshendi. During the battle, when the [[Thrill]] leaves Dalinar, Adolin is quick to come help and protect his father in the moment of distraction. When the battle is won Adolin harvests the [[gemheart]].{{book ref|sa1|26}}
