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(Trim the chance encounter)
(Trim the pending abdication section. And transpose to past tense.)
==== The Pending Abdication ====
While waiting for the coming highstorm, Renarin, Adolin tellsand hisDalinar fatherdiscussed thatDalinars his planintention to abdicate,. whichAdolin Dalinarfound hadthe informedplan hisinsane, sonsand ofwent ato weekfagoing agoto far, is insane. Dalinar dryly points outand that ithe isdidn't appropriateyet givenwant thatot Adolinbe accused him of being insanehighprince. WhenDalinar Adolin denies the wordingand Renarin pointspointed out that heAdolin had called theirthis father crazy. Frustrated, Adolin tries toDalinar explainadded that heleaderhip didn'tis meannot forabout itwhat toone come to this and tells his father that though he may have problems it is no reason to abdicatewants. Dalinar tellsHe himelaborated that the other highprinces will use the perceived weakness against Househouse Kholin. andWhen ifasked, he staystold mattershis may only grow worse. Adolin petulantly proclaimssons he doesplanned notto yetgo wantback to be highprinceAlethkar to whichhelp hisdisuade fatherforeign saysinvaders. thatThe leadershipconversation iswas notcut aboutshort whatby onethe wants.arriving Whenhighstorm Adolin asksand his fathersons whatreluctantly hetied willDalinar doto ifhis hechair. doesWhen abdicatethe Dalinarvision saysended, heAdolin willuntied returnhis tofather. Alethkar,Both thoughsons hewere hateslooking touncomfortable leavefrom theseeing armytheir downfather atrash Shardbearer.about Howeverand [[Kholinar]]speak doesgibberish. haveDalinar needfelt ofstrengthened one,in nowhis thatdecision theyto areabdicate, allwhile hereAdolin onsaid the Shatteredepisodes Plains.where Itcontainable mayand dissuadeDalinar theshouldn't [[Reshi]]use anddelusions theas [[Veden]]sbasis thoughof Adolinimportant pointsdecisions. outDalinar expressed that ithe maybelieved alsothe leadvisions to thebe tworeal, nationsalthough sendingnot theirnecessarily own Shardbearers tofrom the borderAlmighty, incursions.it This worries Dalinar but he tells his sons they willmight have tobeen continuefrom the conversation[[Old laterMagic]]. andAdolin thatwas they should tie himshocked to hislearn chair.that Adolinthe doesOld asMagic hewas isreal toldand thoughthat hehis doesfather nothad enjoy doingsearched it out.{{book ref|sa1|52}}
The argument continues with Adolin saying that they can still contain it. If his father has an episode on the battlefield then they will deal with it as it comes. He does not like the fact that even now his father's decisions, and the decisions he makes for his sons and their house, are being ruled by the delusions. Renarin then suggestssuggested that they find a way to prove the visions are true and they send for Navani. While Renarin iswas gone Adolin asks his father what they will do if Adolin iswas proven right. Dalinar confessesconfessed that a part of him wisheswished that Adolin was and that it might be better for Alethkar. Adolin then asksasked about Sadeas, who iswas nearly finished with his investigation. Dalinar givesgave Adolin leave to prepare for the worst, noting that if he and Sadeas gowent to war than Alethkar as a unified state willwould shatter.{{book ref|sa1|52}}
Adolin and Renarin watch over their father during his vision and when he returns they look uncomfortable and tense. Adolin helps untie Dalinar while Renarin fetches wine. Adolin watches his father until Dalinar asks if it really is that difficult to watch. Adolin and Renarin tell him that he thrashes about and speaks in gibberish. When Dalinar uses this as further proof for his abdication Adolin tells him that the episodes easily containable and that he simply does not want his father using the delusions to make decisions about House Kholin's future. Dalinar tells Adolin that he does not think they are delusions and that they are real visions, even if he accepts the fact that it was wrong to automatically assume they were from the Almighty. He postulates that they could be the product of the [[Old Magic]] but that they are not a product of his curse or boon. Adolin is shocked to learn that the Old Magic is real and that his father has searched it out.{{book ref|sa1|52}}
During another feast, Dalinar callscalled for Adolin to stay close and to prepare for a worst case scenario. [[Wit]] had warned him that Sadeas was going to make a move tonight. Adolin informsinformed his father that sixseveral members of the Cobalt Guard are at the feast and he has installed members of the King's Guard who are loyal to House Kholin and Dalinar at the king's islandnearby. Adolin pointspointed out possible avenues of retreat in case they are needed due to his cousin's increasing paranoia but Dalinar does not believe it will come to that. When everything iswas set up they movemoved to the King's island where Dalinar directly asksasked Sadeas about the results of his investigation. Sadeas clearscleared House Kholin of any suspicion, completely blindsiding Adolin but vindicating Dalinar.{{book ref|sa1|54}}
The argument continues with Adolin saying that they can still contain it. If his father has an episode on the battlefield then they will deal with it as it comes. He does not like the fact that even now his father's decisions, and the decisions he makes for his sons and their house, are being ruled by the delusions. Renarin then suggests that they find a way to prove the visions are true and they send for Navani. While Renarin is gone Adolin asks his father what they will do if Adolin is proven right. Dalinar confesses that a part of him wishes that Adolin was and that it might be better for Alethkar. Adolin then asks about Sadeas, who is nearly finished his investigation. Dalinar gives Adolin leave to prepare for the worst, noting that if he and Sadeas go to war than Alethkar as a unified state will shatter.{{book ref|sa1|52}}
During another feast Dalinar calls for Adolin to stay close and to prepare for a worst case scenario. [[Wit]] had warned him that Sadeas was going to make a move tonight. Adolin informs his father that six of the Cobalt Guard are at the feast and he has installed members of the King's Guard who are loyal to House Kholin and Dalinar at the king's island. Adolin points out possible avenues of retreat in case they are needed due to his cousin's increasing paranoia but Dalinar does not believe it will come to that. When everything is set up they move to the King's island where Dalinar directly asks Sadeas about the results of his investigation. Sadeas clears House Kholin of any suspicion, completely blindsiding Adolin but vindicating Dalinar.{{book ref|sa1|54}}
==== A Change of Heart ====