Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:HumanAsFarAsIKnow/Dabbid»

===Early Life===
Dabbid was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck, which resulted in an unspecified disorder. He did not begin speaking until he was six years old, and often got into trouble because he did things other people wouldn't normally do. When he was young, he put a rope around his neck to feel what it was like to be born the way he was. When people found him, andDabbid didn't understand why peoplethey gotwere worried as he wasn't going to hurt himself. At some point, his mother died, causing his disorder to worsen. Dabbid then ended up at the [[War of Reckoning]], washing the clothes of a [[lighteyes]]. The man's wife accused him of fathering her [[darkeyed]] child in order to protect her lover, and Dabbid was assigned to be a [[bridgeman]] in [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas]]' warcamp as punishment.{{book ref|sa4|85}}
===Bridge Four===
===Dalinar's Forces===
===Battle of Uruthiru===
<!--During [[Kaladin]]’s first run as bridgeleader, he found Dabbid curled up with his arm twisted at an awkward angle. Kaladin charged to reach him, but Dabbid didn’t even notice him when Kaladin arrived. Dabbid was in shock, his eyes dazed. Kaladin dragged Dabbid to the edge, trying to pick him up, but his muscles failing him. [[Rock]] actually came and helped Kaladin carry Dabbid to the safety of the hollow. After trying to save [[Gadol]] and treating [[Leyten]] and [[Hobber]]’s injuries, Kaladin set Dabbid’s arm using some arrows and Dabbid’s own shirt.{{book ref|sa1|17}}
