Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Fbstj/mb»

== Obscurities from {{bref|MB2}} ==
The [[Hero of Ages]] wontwon't be Terris, by [[Helenntion]], the last survivor of the Council of [[Khlennium]]
{{quote|There was much talk of the [[Rabzeen]] during those days. Some said he would come to fight the Conqueror. Others said he was the Conqueror. Helenntion didn't make his thoughts on the matter known to me. The Rabzeen is said to be "He who is not of his people, yet fulfils all of their wishes." If this is the case, then perhaps the Conqueror is the one. He is said to have been of Khlennium.|}}
{{quote|It wasn't until later that I became convinced that he was the Hero of Ages. Hero of Ages: the one called Rabzeen in Khlennium, The Anamnesor. ...|excerpt from [[Kwaan]]'s writing?{{ref|b|mb2|c|45}}|}}
