
De La Coppermind
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OK, new user, but I've read the mistborn series...

A few questions.

1) Can Feruchemists store atributes in a leracium mind? 2) Was a malatiummind ever mentioned? 3) If Ruin and Preservation have their own God Metal, does Sazed (Harmony) get one too? 4) So I looked up the word expenditure (For Nicrosil Ferrings) , and it said something about "the act or process of investing." And besides, they're called Soulbearers, so the Terrismen should have SOME idea about what happens, right? So anyone have any ideas, cause the best that i can come up with is investing one's trust or something.

Hey Deejit, let me see if I can help. 1. Almost assuredly, as you can store something in atium. However it is not clear what lerasium's Feruchemical ability is and such a thing is not mentioned on the Feruchemical tables. 2. No, but that surely has some unknown Feruchemical property as well. 3. Maybe, it's been hypothesized at least.
4. Ah, you mean Investiture :) That has a very specific meaning in the cosmere, so it's not about trust. It deeply has things to do with the connections of cosmere magic, though it is a bit supposition of what storing Investiture exactly means, because Brandon hasn't revealed what it means specifically. He plays very coy on that. You may want to head over to the 17th Shard forums and ask about that (see the sidebar). But, the important thing about it is that nothing is confirmed. Terrispeople probably have a vague idea of what it is, but it requires a lot of general cosmere knowledge to make sense of, which Scadrians don't really have at this point. Remember, the Ars Arcanum is written by a Worldhopper, so he can probably more easily say "Oh! It's storing Investiture" because he's familiar with the terminology. Terrispeople may not. --Chaos2651 (talk) 04:49, 12 February 2013 (UTC)