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#Sleepless are similar to Vinge's Tines from Fire Upon the Deep. Do sleepless have difficulty being close to/intermingling one another? Is membership in a horde fluid?
#(Alternate phrasing) When Taravangian wrote the Diagram, did he know that recording observations could lock cognitive elements/entities into the observed states? Whether he realized it or not, doesDoes the existence of the written Diagram have ana effectsignificant independentRealmatic ofeffect? the efforts made to follow it?
#If I measure a spren, and then instead of writing the measurement down I store the memory in a coppermind, would that have the same "recording" effect?
#In WoK Prime there were no spren as part of the world. In that version, where did shardblades come from?
#We know that certain ethnicities on Roshar have Listener heritage. DoAre thethere Thaylensubgroups haveof Siahlisteners Aimianwith human heritage?
#Mraize shoots a cremling with a blow gun. Sleepless?
#We know that certain ethnicities on Roshar have Listener heritage. Do the Thaylen have Siah Aimian heritage?
#Are there subgroups of listeners with human heritage?
#Assuming the necessary pieces were in place, if a knight radiant traveled by oathgate to the moon Salas, would she appear instantaneously or would speed of light constraints apply?
#I love the scripts Isaac has created so far for Roshar. Are there plans to include pieces of the Dawnchant in future books?
#Wit calls his instrument a Trailman's flute. Is that associated with the Iriali Long Trail?
#Mraize shoots a cremling with a blow gun. Sleepless?
#Cognition directly affects the shape of Shadesmar. Is the variation Mr. T experienced between his worst day and the day he wrote the Diagram enough to alter the cognitive realm landscape? If so, how quickly would it have reverted the next day? (He wasn't/couldn't think about it any more, but the information was all recorded...)
#Would spren look the same to Lift and Eshonai?
#(Alternate phrasing) When Taravangian wrote the Diagram, did he know that recording observations could lock cognitive elements/entities into the observed states? Whether he realized it or not, does the existence of the written Diagram have an effect independent of the efforts made to follow it?