Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Ammcclain15/kaladin»

That night, Kaladin came across [[Hoid]], who told him the story of [[Derethil]] and the ''[[Wandersail]]'', a story that Kaladin interpreted as one about taking responsibility. Before Hoid left, he gave Kaladin a [[Trailman's flute]] and charged him with looking after his apprentice, [[Sigzil]], who he now graduated to a full [[Worldsinger]]. [[Syl]], who was present for the story, returned to Kaladin and explained she was behind what was happening to him. Syl offered to cut off their bond, but it would leave them both crippled. However, Kaladin decided to accept the responsibility that [[Surgebinding]] represented and use the power to help others.{{book ref|sa1|57}}
Kaladin spent the next week trying to learn how to use his [[Surgebinding]] powers with [[Teft]]’s help with little to no success while [[Bridge Four]] continued to train under [[Rock]]’s leadership. While trying to learn Surgebinding, Teft told Kaladin what he knew of the [[Knights Radiant]], teaching him the First Ideal of the [[Immortal Words]].{{book ref|sa1|59}}
{{quote| Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination| First Ideal of the Knights Radiant}}
Their training was interrupted when [[Hashal]] came to visit. She informed Kaladin that [[Bridge Four]] would now go on every bridge run, citing they were a “model” for the other crews. They would no longer get the normal break between runs, a further reprisal for the side carry incident, and would now do chasm duty at night. Responding to the increased danger this change brought, Kaladin came up with a plan to use the skins of dead [[Parshendi]] found in the chasms as armor. In order to bring the armor out of the chasms, Kaladin successfully managed to use his powers to run up a wall and attach the armor to the underside of the permanent bridge they originally used to hide the spheres.{{book ref|sa1|59}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
