Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Ammcclain15/bridgefour»

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Moash sat and ate some stew by the fire while he listened to Graves and Febrth argue over which direction to go. Graves wanted to follow the map, while Febrth wanted to follow the Passions. Grave argued with him saying he was supposed to have given up such superstitions to follow the Diagram now. Moash continued to eat the "stew," but admitted that he hated it when any of them cooked as no one could cook like Rock. Done eating, Moash dropped his bowl, spilling the stew, grabbed his coat, and walked away from the pair. Moash kicked a rock and stubbed his toe, cursing and looking over his shoulder as the argument ended.{{book ref|sa3|43}}
{{sidequote|Which I'll do, when we're not crawling across winter's own frozen backside.|Moash to Graves about his coat {{book ref|sa3|41}}|right|250px}}
Graves joined Moash, who asked how lost they were. Graves told him they weren't lost at all, if Febrth would look at the map. Graves glanced at Moash's coat, telling him he was supposed to get rid of it. Moash agreed, once they weren't stuck in wintery conditions. Graves conceded and said he should at least get rid of the patch so it doesn't give them away. Moash felt at the patch, bringing back memories. His skin went clammy as he cut the stitches on the Bridge Four patch. While the patch was easy to remove, he remembered the tattoo on his arm that he had gotten with the others that would be much more difficult to remove. Moash looked at it one last time, but wasn't able to bring himself to throw it away.{{book ref|sa3|43}}