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He went through three bowls before a garish light made him blink and raise his head from the drool-stained table. A figure knelt beside him as Teft heard Kaladin's voice. The den's keeper said that Teft owed them for three bowls. Rock told the den keeper he should be glad that they do not rip off pieces of his body and pay him for that. Teft croaked and turned away, not wanting them to see his state. The den keeper argued that his establishment was completely legal and if they assaulted them, they would bring the guard to defend them. Kaladin gave the den keeper his "blood money," and asked Rock to get Teft. Rock was gentle with his touch and Teft started crying. Kaladin asked Teft what happened to his coat and he confessed he sold it. Kaladin fell silent and Rock carried him halfway back until Teft protested and asked to walk on his own two feet.{{book ref|sa3|41}}
Kaladin and Rock set Teft up in one of the barrack rooms, privately. They wrapped blankets around him and brought him some of Rock's stew. Teft apologized and promised to tell them if he started feeling the need again. He couldn't eat the stew just yet though, unable to keep anything down. They let him rest and Teft thought about how they were better friends than he deserved, growing into something grand while Teft stayed on the ground. Before the day was up, Teft was back to training bridgemen from other crews, able to function, but even as he went back to work, the realization that he wasn't going to get any more firemoss for a while hurt him more than anything. He realized he was going to have to go a few excruciating days of feeling like half a man, where all he wouldn't feel anything but his self-loathing and his shame. The thought of no help terrified Teft.{{book ref|sa3|41}}
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