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As they neared the source of the smoke, a beleaguered caravan, Rock threw his weight against the bridge pushing it across the chasm and charged over. The others followed and Dabbid and Lopen unhooked the shield and spears from the side of the bridge. They fell into squads behind Rock, who refused a spear from Lopen. Kaladin floated overhead with his Shardspear in hand. He was looking off in the distance at the figures that streaked away. Drehy muttered that it was a Voidbringer attack.{{book ref|sa3|37}}
{{sidequote|Voidbringer attack. We should have guessed they'd start raiding our caravans.|Drehy as the figures streaked away {{book ref|sa3|37}}|left|250px}}
A head poked out followed by six more faces that turned out to be Rock’s wife and children. After Bridge Four spent some time helping the wounded, Rock introduced his family to Bridge Four and Kaladin introduced the group.{{book ref|sa3|37}}