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Shallan dropped backward into the room to find Renarin healing a bridgemen who ad been hurt. She quickly asked Adolin what happened to the Unmade. He said it fled like smoke farther down into the mountains. Eth asked if they should chase it. Shallan, feeling the change in the tower, told them not to chase it. She told him they could post guards, but she didn't think it would return. Teft agreed that guards sounded like a very good idea. She frowned at his comment but followed his gaze to what the Re-Shephir had been hiding - thousands upon thousands of cut gemstones.{{book ref|sa3|30}}
===The Last Time We March===
====Training to be Windrunners====
Lopen went to the Shattered Plains with the rest of Bridge Four and the prospective Windrunner members for training. After Kaladin spoke, he handed a pouch of gemstones to Lopen, who immediately began glowing. Lopen along with Sigzil and Peet served as leaders for the training groups. They split off to practice with Kaladin telling the leaders he wanted everyone on the plateau glowing like they swallowed a lantern before the day was done.{{book ref|sa3|37}}
When Huio sprinkled labzo into the drink, Rock yelled at Lopen to come and have a talk with his cousin so he would quit ruining the mixture. However, Lopen paid him no mind and continuing talking about how he got stuck to the ceiling earlier. Lopen told his group to watch carefully as he was going to fly. He jumped up and crashed back down to the plateau. Kaladin yelled at Lopen, telling him to stop showing off. Lopen apologized, but remained stuck to the plateau. Kaladin asked if he stuck himself to the ground, but Lopen said it was all part of his plan.{{book ref|sa3|37}}
====An Offering and a Miracle====
Late into the practice, when Hobber finally drew in his first Stormlight, the bridgemen came rushing over and Kaladin ordered them to give all their gemstones to Hobber. The men scrambled to give Hobber their gemstones and the lights dampened. Hobber cried that he could feel his toes again. He reached out for support and Drehy and Peet helped him slip off his stool, righting him. He finally forced them back, standing precariously on his own. The men of Bridge Four celebrated and Lopen gave the Bridge Four salute. It seemed to be something special coming from him, one of the first time Lopen had been able to make the salute back. Hobber saluted back. However, their celebration was cut short by a plume of smoke off to the west.{{book ref|sa3|37}}
====A Family Surprise and One Last Run====
Rock ran at the center of the front of the bridge, leading the rest of the bridgemen while Kaladin flew ahead to check it out. Rock roared forward, his skin starting to glow with Stormlight, carrying the bridge all on his own, towing the others. Skar called out the marching song and all of Bridge Four echoed the words. While Bridge Four had grown strong in past runs, nothing compared to this run. Rock called out commands as Kaladin or Teft had once done.{{book ref|sa3|37}}
As they neared the source of the smoke, a beleaguered caravan, Rock threw his weight against the bridge pushing it across the chasm and charged over. The others followed and Dabbid and Lopen unhooked the shield and spears from the side of the bridge. They fell into squads behind Rock, who refused a spear from Lopen. Kaladin floated overhead with his Shardspear in hand. He was looking off in the distance at the figures that streaked away. Drehy muttered that it was a Voidbringer attack.{{book ref|sa3|37}}
A head poked out followed by six more faces that turned out to be Rock’s wife and children. After Bridge Four spent some time helping the wounded, Rock introduced his family to Bridge Four and Kaladin introduced the group.{{book ref|sa3|37}}
Kaladin told Rock to go walk with his family, that the crew could handle the bridge today. Rock resisted, saying it would be a privilege to carry the bridge one last time, for his family. Kaladin questioned the one last time and Rock explained that soon they would be taking to the skies and would no longer have to carry the bridge. The rest of Bridge Four looked subdued, knowing this was true, but Rock told them not to be sad. There was great stew waiting and they could march not towards death, but towards food and good songs. The solemn group of men took up the bridge respectfully with Kaladin taking his place in front as they set out on one final run.{{book ref|sa3|37}}