Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Ammcclain15/bridgefour»

Shallan dropped backward into the room to find Renarin healing a bridgemen who ad been hurt. She quickly asked Adolin what happened to the Unmade. He said it fled like smoke farther down into the mountains. Eth asked if they should chase it. Shallan, feeling the change in the tower, told them not to chase it. She told him they could post guards, but she didn't think it would return. Teft agreed that guards sounded like a very good idea. She frowned at his comment but followed his gaze to what the Re-Shephir had been hiding - thousands upon thousands of cut gemstones.{{book ref|sa3|30}}
===TitleStruggle Unknownwith Addiction===
Teft work up and unfortunately his first sensation was pain. He wondered if he'd ever been useful as he rolled over and groaned, his jacket gone. Getting to his feet, Teft realized he was in an alleyway between tents in the Breakaway market. He was halfway through relieving himself when he realized what he was doing. His first thought was that at least he wasn't some drunkard who wallowed in filth, but that thought reminded him of a deeper pain, the pain of need. He wasn't a drunkard, he was something far, far worse. He walked down the alleyway and women passed looking away as if embarrassed for him. He then thought maybe it was a good thing he lost his coat, so he didn't shame his entire crew. However, he told himself he was already a shame to the crew.{{book ref|sa3|41}}
Kaladin and Rock set Teft up in one of the barrack rooms, privately. They wrapped blankets around him and brought him some of Rock's stew. Teft apologized and promised to tell them if he started feeling the need again. He couldn't eat the stew just yet though, unable to keep anything down. They let him rest and Teft thought about how they were better friends than he deserved, growing into something grand while Teft stayed on the ground. Before the day was up, Teft was back to training bridgemen from other crews, able to function, but even as he went back to work, the realization that he wasn't going to get any more firemoss for a while hurt him more than anything. He realized he was going to have to go a few excruciating days of feeling like half a man, where all he wouldn't feel anything but his self-loathing and his shame. The thought of no help terrified Teft.{{book ref|sa3|41}}
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