Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuaria:Spriy»

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== Cosmere theories ==
*Hoid is trying to reform [[Adonalsium]], with himself as its Vessel. There's a WoB saying that one of his quests is "to make that which it once was", and we know that he's been trying to gain access to every form of Investiture out there. Let's ignoreSee the obviousseparated holeportion in my argument that he was once a Dawnshard and gavethe itref upsandbox.
*[[Trell]] is an avatar of [[Autonomy]]. Very original theory here.
*Even if Dabbid did obtain a Nahel bond, it wouldn't cure his "difference". He postulates that it was brain damage caused by his umbilical cord almost strangling him at birth, but even if that was the case, the Nahel bond doesn't repair trauma-induced mental illness. Szeth's psychosis remained even after bonding his highspren, and Shallan's DID actually manifested in earnest "after" bonding Testament and Pattern. Poor Dabbid.
*Cultivation's God Metal should totally be called koravellium.
*There's a big plot hole in The Emperor's Soul, being that Shai didn't need to reforge his entire soul--she just needed to write a seal where the crossbow bolt missed him.
*The four Dawnshard Commands are Create, Destroy, Change, and Preserve.