Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuaria:Rasarr/Kalak»

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By the [[True Desolation]], this develops into a paranoid, but also erratic behavior. Kalak vacillates often, and finds making even the simplest decisions difficult.{{book ref|sa4|93}} He often follows what the crowd wants instead of his own internal moral compass. He seems to have trouble focusing, or at least paying attention to time, even when others are waiting for him.{{book ref|sa4|87}} He believes humans to be dangerous; he's unsettled by their presence, with [[Bondsmith]]s, and people associated with them, seeming to provoke the strongest reaction. A visit into a human city makes him jittery to the point where he runs away at the sight of another person. It's likely for this reason that he prefers to live in [[Lasting Integrity]].{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}{{book ref|sa4|82}} Even there, however, unexpected commotion can quickly make him panic. In this state, he is near-insensate, crying, covering his ears and curling on the floor. He recovers into his normal state extremely quickly, though, and with no outward sign that he's been disturbed.{{book ref|sa4|87}}
Kalak is keenly aware of the fact that he and his fellow Heralds are mentally unwell, and does not hide this fact.{{book ref|sa4|93}}{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} He is extremely pessimistic, believing that the cause of [[Roshar]] is already lost, and feels immense guilt for causing [[spren]] to bond with humans, leading them to what he believes to be their doom.{{book ref|sa4|93}} He is obsessed with the idea of leaving the [[Rosharan system]] altogether; to this end, he initially aligns himself with [[Gavilar]], assisting his research.{{book ref|sa4|prologue}} After Gavilar's death, he continues the project of his own, hoping to unmoor himself and leave the entire cycle of Desolations behind.{{book ref|sa4|93}}
At the same time, Kalak does have some determination still in him. He can be snarky, and will dryly mock people he considers stupid.{{book ref|sa4|87}}{{epigraph ref|sa4|91}} He can still exercise some measure of authority, and can sometimes make snap decisions when truly needed.{{book ref|sa4|90}} When faced with the possibility of his own death, he's calm and composed.{{book ref|sa4|93}} For all that he fears humans, he sympathizes with them, and is at the very least willing to hear them out and give them some chance, even if he doesn't believe that they can succeed. He is willing to offer information, though it's unclear how much.{{book ref|sa4|87}}{{book ref|sa4|115}}