Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuaria:Rasarr/Kalak»

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Though not from [[Alethkar]], Kalak appears Alethi, implying tan skin. He's a short man, with thinning, wispy hair, a round face, and a small nose.{{book ref|sa4|78}}{{book ref|sa4|prologue}} When he wishes to appear serious, he puts on a set of violet robes; ordinarily, however, he dresses more casually.{{book ref|sa4|90}} [[Vorin]] artwork tends to present him as a young man, though in person, he looks more like a city administrator.{{file ref|Kalak.jpg|Kalak's chapter capstone}}{{book ref|sa4|90}}
Back in the early [[Desolation]]s, he was known for being decisive and authoritative, and he would often be approached whenever problems appeared to seek hisfor counsel.{{epigraph ref|sa4|75}} However, as Desolations wore down on him, he became terrified of dying and returning to [[Braize]] to be tortured. By [[Aharietiam]], he has vivid, painful memories of the torture that sometime cause him to briefly lose his grip on reality. When given the choice to abandon the Oathpact, he's aware and terrified of the consequences. However, by this point his fear of torture far outweighs his sense of duty.{{book ref|sa1|prelude}}
By the [[True Desolation]], this develops into a paranoid, but also erratic behavior. Kalak vacillates often, and finds making even the simplest decisions difficult.{{book ref|sa4|93}} He often follows what the crowd wants instead of his own internal moral compass. He seems to have trouble focusing, or at least paying attention to time, even when others are waiting for him.{{book ref|sa4|87}} He believes humans to be dangerous; he's unsettled by their presence, with [[Bondsmith]]s, and people associated with them, seeming to provoke the strongest reaction. A visit into a human city makes him jittery to the point where he runs away at the sight of another person. It's likely for this reason that he prefers to live in [[Lasting Integrity]].{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}{{book ref|sa4|82}} Even there, however, unexpected commotion can quickly make him panic. In this state, he is near-insensate, crying, covering his ears and curling on the floor. He recovers into his normal state extremely quickly, though, and with no outward sign that he's been disturbed.{{book ref|sa4|87}}