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As Kelsier’s speech drew to a close, one of the listening skaa spoke up, calling Kelsier a fool and telling him that he would be killed by the Lord Ruler. Kelsier seemed to consider this, and finally responded that the Lord Ruler had already tried and failed to kill him, revealing his scars. With that, he left the room via the kitchens.
Breeze remarked on his dramaticnessdramatics, and continued with his Soothing. The room was silent for a moment, before Yeden stood up to speak further to the men. Breeze carried on with his Soothing, encouraging the worker’s sense of loyalty to prevent anything being reported to authorities, and then went on to Soothe away Yeden’s worries.
As Vin observed, she dropped her coppercloud and let herself be affected by Breeze’s soothing. She began to feel the exact emotions Breeze intended, and was impressed by his subtle touch as opposed to Kelsier’s blunt emotional Allomancy. She continued to study her feelings as Breeze continued, noticing her emotions being Rioted as well by his Rioters, though their touch was not as subtle. As she continued observing Breeze’s skill, she found herself understanding why Kelsier had sent her to Breeze -- since he only had one Allomantic power, he had mastered it in a way Kelsier couldn’t with his focus split between all the Allomantic skills. She resolved to make sure Kelsier sent her to learn from the others in the crew too.
Once the meeting drew to a close, Breeze ensured the skaa workers left with a feeling of passion within them. When Vin questioned what would happen when the emotions faded, Breeze explained that strong emotions tend to help in remembering an event better and so the speeches would stay on their mind longer.
Ham soon reentered, letting them know that the event appeared successful and that he expected they would have some volunteers for their army. However Breeze did not seem as pleased by this, for he feared at the rate they were going they wouldn’t be able to recruit their target amount of ten thousand men.
Later that evening, a crew meeting was held by Kelsier in Clubs’s shop. As Vin sat with the others in the conference room waiting for Kelsier’s arrival, she found herself studying Marsh, internally noting his stern demeanor. Waving Spook over, she asked him whether Marsh was a nickname. He responded, but in his (street slang???) which took her a moment to comprehend. She learned that Marsh was indeed his real name, though he had once had the nickname “Ironeyes” for his steely grey eyes. According to Spook, people had stopped using it as it was too reminiscent of Steel Inquisitors.
Kelsier then arrived, putting an end to their conversation. One by one he began getting updates from the crew on the different areas being focused on. Their recruitment wasn’t picking up as well as was needed, as in twelve weeks they had amassed less than two thousand men. The idea of increasing recruitment in Luthadel was discussed, but written off as too much of a risk. Kelsier decided to start recruiting in the surrounding towns instead, asking Breeze to divide his Allomancers into two groups so that one might work in Luthadel while the other could work outside the city. Marsh was also asked for an update regarding his infiltration of the Steel Ministry, which was proving to be more challenging than anticipated. As the crew seemed unsure how to proceed, Vin suggested an idea of her own. On the job Camon had been working on with Theron, Theron had been bribing a minor Obligator for their plan. She suggested that this Obligator could be used to get Marsh into the Ministry, passing him off as an acolyte. Kelsier found this to have potential, and Dockson made a note to contact Theron. The crew meeting goes on, discussing the weapons dealings Renoux was partaking in.
Breeze then brought to their notice that rumours of the Eleventh Metal were circulating on the streets, and his concern about the Lord Ruler hearing them. Kelsier, however, was unperturbed by this. He mentioned he intended on paying the Lord Ruler a “visit” soon. Before further conversation could occur, however, one of Ham’s guards interrupted, bearing the news that the Steel Ministry had hit Milev’s lair. {{book ref|mb1|10}}
Vin went with the crew to see the aftermath of the attack. Kelsier initially tried to prevent her from entering the remnants of what had once been Camon’s lair, thinking it might be too gruesome a sight for her, but she refused to be excluded. Finally Kelsier allowed her to see the lair.
Vin had mixed feelings, seeing what had been done to her old crew. While she was no stranger to death, there was an intentional air to the death in the room. The slaughter had been messy, and as the attack had occurred only that morning the room still smelled of blood. She felt numb, recognizing that while these men had been horrible to her they had also provided her with shelter and a living. She felt sad, though Reen would have disapproved of such an emotion, and thought of it as a weakness. As Vin noted to herself how extreme the slaughter had been for the Ministry, Dockson confirmed to Kelsier that it had been an Inquisitor’s work.
Sazed then arrived, to Vin’s surprise. She, Kelsier, Dockson, Ham and his men had come, but the other crew members were at Clubs’s shop for fear of danger. Kelsier had been hesitant even about bringing Vin, despite her being Mistborn. It made her curious why he had no qualms about Sazed’s presence. She was distracted from these thoughts by the sight of a corpse bearing a familiar face -- Ulef. His death was gruesome, and his face was pained even in death.
An Inquisitor taking care of a group of petty thieves in such a violent manner was unusual, and Kelsier suspected it was the same Inquisitor that had been on Vin’s trail months ago. Vin realised this meant that the creature still had her scent, and had traced her to her old lair. She felt remorseful, about Ulef’s death, as she had brought this upon them inadvertently. When she expressed that this was her fault, though, Kelsier disagreed, saying it was Camon’s fault for trying to scam an obligator. He asked if she was alright, and, trying to be strong, Vin claimed none of them had been her friends and feigned indifference, knowing it was cold-hearted to do so.
Vin wasn’t able to believe only one Inquisitor could have killed the entire crew so quickly, sure that he must have had help. By counting the bodies s knew that it was unlikely anyone had even been able to escape. She recalled Kelsier telling her that there were many things not known about Inquisitors, and shivered.
Ham arrived, after having secured the perimeter with his men and confirming that there were no obligators or Garrisoners in the vicinity. The dead were being left as they were, as a message for others to discover, according to Kelsier. As silence fell, Vin noticed that Sazed was murmuring something to himself -- a Cazzi prayer, he explained to her when she asked him. He gave her a brief explanation of their faith, though it was not the religion he followed. When she asked why he picked this prayer, he told her it was what felt right.
Their conversation was put to a stop by Dockson calling for Kelsier. Vin followed Kelsier to see what he had found, into the crew’s sleeping quarters. She expected to find a gory scene, but instead there was only one body, which had been tied to a chair and had its eyes gouged out -- Milev, the man Kelsier had put in charge of the crew after ousting Camon. As Kelsier and Dockson studied the corpse, they concluded that he had been tortured and suffered a slow death. However, they decided they didn’t have to move their base of operations as despite the torture, Milev and his crew would not have been able to give the Inquisitor information on Kelsier’s crew and their whereabouts. It was still concerning, though, as the Inquisitor should not have been able to find Milev’s crew either.
Kelsier and Dockson returned to the main room, stepping to the side to speak privately. When Vin tried to get closer, Sazed stopped her and chastised her for eavesdropping when Kelsier wanted privacy. Annoyed, Vin burned tin in order to listen in to the conversation. The sudden heightening of her senses made the smell of blood overwhelming, the dimly lit room now so bright that her eyes watered. She heard Dockson telling Kelsier Camon’s location (three streets west of the Fourwell Crossroads) as Dockson had checked on him a few times at Kelsier’s request. Milev and his crew had made the former crew leader a beggar as Kelsier had ordered.
Kelsier called for Ham, and the loudness of his voice amplified by her tin made her startle. Sazed looked at her with disapproval, which meant he knew enough about Allomancy to know what she was doing. Kelsier ordered Ham to take the others back to the shop, though he did not accompany them.
However, Vin went after Kelsier instead of going back, following him to where he was going to check on Camon. She caught up with him in a dark alley near the north corner of the intersection he had been expecting to find Camon at. While she had been following him discreetly, he heard her and, mistaking her for an enemy, sent a bunch of coins her way which she deflected. Kelsier was angry at Vin for following him into a potentially dangerous situation, leading her old instincts kick in -- she cowered back, trying to seem harmless, and unconsciously began Soothing him. He realised what she was doing, gently berating her, his anger cooled.
Vin’s attention then turned to the corpse of Camon, which is what Kelsier had found in the alley. He had been hanged, though not in the usual way. Instead the rope used to hang him had been tied to a hook, which was then jammed down his throat, protruding from beneath his chin -- a ritual killing used for those who misused Allomancy, according to Kelsier. He also confirmed that he had been tortured before being killed. Vin appeared grim but satisfied at the sight of Camon.
However, the manner of Camon’s death troubled Vin in what it would mean for her -- Kelsier thought he had been killed in this manner because he had admitted to using Vin’s Allomancy for his own gain while being tortured. She worried this meant the Ministry knew she was Mistborn, but Kelsier reminded her that Camon may have assumed she was only a Misting, telling her the plan would go ahead. They left the scene before attracting further attention from the beggars outside.{{book ref|mb1|11}}
=== Luthadel + Kredik Shaw ===