Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuaria:Ladymxdnight/Khlennium»

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*It wasn't until years later that I became convinced that Alendi was the Hero of Ages. Hero of Ages: the one called Rabzeen in Khlennium, the Anamnesor.{{epigraph ref|mb2|12}}
*I have a young nephew, one Rashek. He hates all of Khlennium with the passion of envious youth. He hates Alendi even more acutely—though the two have never met—for Rashek feels betrayed that one of our oppressors should have been chosen as the Hero of Ages.{{epigraph ref|mb2|53}}
*“The biography of Helenntion,” Tindwyl said. “One of the last survivors of the Council of Khlennium.”{{book ref|mb2|45}}
Words of Founding
*I have already mentioned that Rashek chose to use Khlenni architecture, which allowed him to construct large structures and gave him the civil engineering necessary to build a city as large as Luthadel.{{epigraph ref|mb3|28}}
*Pocket watches—another Khlenni appropriation—that were made in the tenth century of the empire were nearly identical to those made during the first.{{epigraph ref|mb3|29}}
*Breeze stood up straight. “That’s easy, kandra,” he said, waving his cane. “Everyone knows that when the Lord Ruler took the throne of Khlennium, he made his trusted friends into noblemen. That’s why the nobility of the Final Empire were so pampered—they were the descendants of Rashek’s good friends.”{{book ref|mb3|62}}