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(Created page with "{{nation |era=Classical Scadrial |ethnicity={{cat tag|Khlenni}} |world=Scadrial |universe=Cosmere |books=Mistborn Era 1 }} '''Khlennium''' was a historical state durin...")
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|books=[[Mistborn Era 1]]
'''Khlennium''' was a historical state during [[Classical Scadrial]], the capital of [[Alendi]]'s empire.
Alendi's Journal
Khlennium's knowledge and tradition were used by the [[Lord Ruler]] in the formation of the [[Final Empire]]. Namely, the aristocracy and architecture of Khlennium was used, mixed with the practices of other civilizations of the Classical Era.{{epigraph ref|mb3|26}} In addition, Khlenni fashion, such as suits for men and gowns for women, was integrated into the Final Empire.
*Yet, it amazes me that anyone would give heed to a man who speaks such hatred. [Rashek] has never seen Khlennium, yet he curses the city. He does not know me, yet I can already see the anger and hostility in his eyes. {{epigraph ref|mb1|7}}
*Khlenni, the language of Khlennium—the ancient, pre-Ascension homeland of the Lord Ruler.{{book ref|mb1|15}}
*Many think that my journey started in Khlennium, that great city of wonder. They forget that I was no king when my quest began. Far from it.
I think it would do men well to remember that this task was not begun by emperors, priests, prophets, or generals. It didn't start in Khlennium or Kordel, not did it come from the great nations to the east or the fiery empire of the West.{{epigraph ref|mb1|16}}
*You could say that circumstances forced me to leave my home behind — certainly, if I had stayed, I would now be dead. During those days — running without knowing why, carrying a burden I didn't understand — I assumed that I would lose myself in Khlennium and seek a life of indistinction.{{epigraph ref|mb1|18}}
*When we first met, [Kwaan] was studying one of his ridiculous interests in the great Khlenni library — I believe he was trying to determine whether or not trees could think.{{epigraph ref|mb1|19}}
*Though many Terrismen express a resentment of Khlennium, there is also envy. I have heard the packmen speak in wonder of the Khlenni cathedrals, with their amazing stained-glass windows and broad halls. They also seem very fond of our fashion — back in the cities, I saw that many young Terrismen had traded in their furs and skins for well-tailored gentlemen's suits.{{epigraph ref|mb1|32}}
Kwaan's Inscription
*I met Alendi first in Khlennium; he was a young lad then, and had not yet been warped by a decade spent leading armies.{{epigraph ref|mb2|9}}
*I employed [Alendi] as an assistant during his first months in the grand city.{{epigraph ref|mb2|11}}
*It wasn't until years later that I became convinced that Alendi was the Hero of Ages. Hero of Ages: the one called Rabzeen in Khlennium, the Anamnesor.{{epigraph ref|mb2|12}}
*I have a young nephew, one Rashek. He hates all of Khlennium with the passion of envious youth. He hates Alendi even more acutely—though the two have never met—for Rashek feels betrayed that one of our oppressors should have been chosen as the Hero of Ages.{{epigraph ref|mb2|53}}
Words of Founding
*[TLR] was able to take elements from a dozen different cultures and apply them to his new, "perfect" society. For instance, the architectural brilliance of the Khlenni builders is manifest in the keeps that the high nobility construct. Khlenni fashion sense—suits for gentlemen, gowns for ladies—is another thing the Lord Ruler decided to appropriate.
I suspect that despite his hatred of the Khlenni people—of whom Alendi was one—Rashek had a deep-seated envy of them as well. The Terris of the time were pastoral herdsmen, the Khlenni cultured cosmopolitans. However ironic, it is logical that Rashek's new empire would mimic the high culture of the people he hated.{{epigraph ref|mb3|26}}
*Yet, other elements of imperial culture were a complete contrast to Khlennium and its society. The lives of the skaa were modeled after the slave peoples of the Canzi. The Terris stewards resembled the servant class of Urtan, which Rashek conquered relatively late in his first century of life.{{epigraph ref|mb3|27}}
*I have already mentioned that Rashek chose to use Khlenni architecture, which allowed him to construct large structures and gave him the civil engineering necessary to build a city as large as Luthadel.{{epigraph ref|mb3|28}}
*Pocket watches—another Khlenni appropriation—that were made in the tenth century of the empire were nearly identical to those made during the first.{{epigraph ref|mb3|29}}
*Breeze stood up straight. “That’s easy, kandra,” he said, waving his cane. “Everyone knows that when the Lord Ruler took the throne of Khlennium, he made his trusted friends into noblemen. That’s why the nobility of the Final Empire were so pampered—they were the descendants of Rashek’s good friends.”{{book ref|mb3|62}}
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