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(Ch 108)
Geographically, Roshar in the [[Cognitive Realm]] appears like an inversion of the continent in the Physical Realm, with the land reflecting as a sea of beads and bodies of water as land made of obsidian.{{book ref|sa2|7}}{book ref|sa3|87}}{book ref|sa3|89}}
Peninsulas, that reflect physical world rivers, will have lighthouses built at the very end of them, as a signal to passing ships that there is land nearby. They also provide a waypoint for ships to restock supplies on their journey.{{book ref|a3sa3|95}}reache Canal's are occasionally cut through the peninsulas to make sea travel easier.{{book ref|sa3|108}}
The land in Shadesmar is made of a glassy, black obsidian or obsidian like material.{{cite}} It is easy to move quietly over land.{{book ref|sa3|97}}
Black sky, and a strange, tiny,{{book ref|sa2|7}} white sun that hangs on the horizon in the far distance.{{book ref|sa1|45}}{{book ref|sa2|1}} The sun does not move, and there is no day/night cycle.{{book ref|sa3|91}} Clouds run towards the sun - combined with the sea of beads it gives the impression that the sun is at the end of a long tunnel{{book ref|sa1|48}} The clouds are straight and long and point towards the horizon.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} The sun can be described as 'cold'{{book ref|sa3|89}} The sun does not appear to change position in the sky, regardless of time of day or distance travelled.{{book ref|sa3|95}} The sky is completely black with no stars or moon visible.{{book ref|sa3|95}}
The "seas" are made of tiny, translucent,{{book ref|sa2|1}} dark glass beads{{book ref|sa1|45}}{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} that represent objects that exist in the Physical Realm. These beads are bean-sized, or slightly larger than a fingernail.{{wob ref|8533}} The beads are attracted to Stormlight{{book ref|sa1|45}} and will force their way through barriers if possible (such as a hand over a mouth).{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} The beads represent "souls of objects." {{book ref|sa3|89}} It is possible to suffocate if drawn beneath the beads.{{book ref|sa1|70}} It does not seem possible to swim through the beads as bodies as they provide no buoyancy.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} Sinking in the beads is similar to sinking through a viscous liquid.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} The weight of individual beads differ based on their physical form, with larger objects correlating to heavier beads.{{book ref|sa2|7}} Spren can translate conversations between humans and beads though it is possible to speak to the cognitive aspect of the beads directly.{{book ref|sa2|7}} The impression given off by the beads match the magnitude of the object in the Physical Realm (eg. the palace).{book ref|sa3|89}} Nonetheless, the sea roils and the beads constantly moving and clack against each other.{{book ref|sa3|93}}{{book ref|sa3|99}} Beads can be carried anywhere in Shadesmar, regardless of where its corresponding item is in the Physical Realm, as the tie between the physical and cognitive aspects occurs through the Spiritual Realm.{{book ref|sa3|108}} If not properly secured, they will work their way back to the corresponding location of their physical counterpart.{{book ref|sa3|108}}
The seas are populated by spren of different varieties.{{book ref|sa3|89}}
[[Lasting Integrity]] - south west of Celebrant
[[Unyielding Fidelity]]
[[Unyielding Fidelity]] - close to Kharbranth
==== Highstorm ====
It has been long believed, by many sapient spren in Shadesmar, that the honorspren would never rebond with humans after the Recreance.{{book ref|sa3|47}}
The honorspren, despite knowing something bad was coming, refused to take action, prior to Syl leaving for the Physical Realm.She believes the honorspren born after the Recreance to be foolish because of this.{{book ref|sa3|95}} The honorspren (Notum) were not aware of exactly when the Radiant's began to return, though did not appear surprised. They had hoped the day would never come.{{book ref|sa3|108}}
The spren do not appreciate those who claim to tell the future, leading to supposed oracles living in remote parts of Shadesmar.{{book ref|sa3|97}}
Not all spren hold grudges so strongly against humans that they are against rebonding humans. Cultivationspren{{book ref|sa3|102}} and Cryptics{{cite|Wor?}} appear to be more willing to rebond humans.
All of the honorspren, baring Syl were killed in the Recreance, becoming deadeyes. Centuries later, the Stormfather created only ten more honorspren.{{book ref|sa3|108}}
=== Economy ===
Stormlight is the major currency of Shadesmar and can be traded in for chips (?) which can then be used to buy items or barter for passage.{{book ref|sa3|93}} Infused spheres can also be traded directly, depending on who someone is trading with.{{book ref|sa3|97}} Dun spheres can be traded, however are worth much less than infused ones.{{book ref|sa3|101}}
There is an enemy stronghold in the vicinity of Thaylen City.{{book ref|sa3|102}}
Since their arrival in Shadesmar, the voidspren have spread their influence across the realm. They have partial control of the free city Celebrant, and have captured Cultivation's Perpendicularity.{{book ref|sa3|102}} Fused will periodically check on the city and conduct inspections.{{book ref|sa3|102}} Their goal is to build their own empire in the Realm, and they took the perpendicularity to be able to control travel between the realms.{{book ref|sa3|108}}
There appears to be some sort of hostility between the Fused and the honorspren.{{book ref|sa3|102}}
=== Food and Drink ===
It is possible to find food and water in Shadesmar that is suitable for humans. It is most easily found in port cities. There is a constant supply that keeps food in Shadesmar to accomodate the humans that live there.{{book ref|sa3|93}} Tinned food is a common type of food found in Shadesmar, and may originate from Scadrial due to their canning processes.{{book ref|sa3|97}}{{book ref|sa3|102}}{{cite|Scadrial canning}}
Azure, Shallan, and Kaladin all get impressions from the beads they pick up while in Shadesmar, so it should be reasonable to say that any Invested person can manifest objects there. Adolin, not being an Invested person, gets only the vaguest impressions of the objects the beads represent.
Each bead gives a distinct impression of physical object when touched by someone who is Invested.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}{{book ref|sa3|89}} This can include both their physical appearance and their 'soul'. They can be knitted together to form objects based of the cognitive aspect of a given bead (eg Jasnah's knight, Shallan's doors). It is possible to make only part of an object. Bead objects can be commanded to move on their own, though not well.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} Those who are Invested are more easily able to recoginize the soul of the beads - someone with little passive Investiture will only sometimes get very faint impressions (even as little as only a potential colour), and sometimes nothing at all.{{book ref|sa3|89}}{{book ref|sa3|93}} However, Investiture is not needed to visualize the soul of a bead.{{book ref|sa3|108}}
The beads gravitate towards Investiture and are able to give the impression to a person that they are after something.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}
Traditionally, the Elsecallers have been the prime liaisons with the 'great ones of the spren' and were happy to bring along people of other orders to assist them in their visits and interactions. Implied that Elsecallers had a higher affinity for Shadesmar than Lightweavers or Willshapers.{{epigraph ref|sa2|53}}
Beads and spren are attracted to Stormlight. For this reason, it can be dangerous for Surgebinders to use their powers in Shadesmar, although different powers have different levels of detectability (Windrunners will attract more attention than Lightweavers).{{book ref|sa3|89}} It does not appear that the Surges necessarily need to be used for spren and beads to become aware of it - a Radiant or gem holding stormlight is enough. Spren, at least lesser spren, feed on stormlight.{{book ref|sa3|89}} Sapient spren also are affected by stormlight, however, have claimed they do not 'feed' on it as such.{{cite}} Sapient spren are well aware of how dangerous it can be to carry stormlight in Shadesmar (in terms of other spren and beads).{{book ref|sa3|89}} The spren can be distracted from people within Shadesmar if there are high emotions on the other side in the Physical.{book ref|sa3|89}}
Spren, at least lesser spren, feed on stormlight.{{book ref|sa3|89}} Sapient spren also are affected by stormlight, however, have claimed they do not 'feed' on it as such.{{cite}} Sapient spren are well aware of how dangerous it can be to carry stormlight in Shadesmar (in terms of other spren and beads).{{book ref|sa3|89}} The spren can be distracted from people within Shadesmar if there are high emotions on the other side in the Physical.{{book ref|sa3|89}}
Stormlight can be used to build objects out beads. The soul within a given bead can be used as a guide when creating objects - it is unclear if a guide is necessary. It is unclear if any Invested person is able to create such objects. These objects can be load bearing, even when they would not be in the Physical Realm, and the entire object does not need to be created.{{book ref|sa3|89}} These structures do not always move easily, which may correlate to their size and to the soul of the bead (Shallan and Oathgate platform).{book ref|sa3|89}} It is possible to reclaim some of the stormlight expended when the item breaks apart.{book ref|sa3|89}} Visualization required.{book ref|sa3|89}}
While it is unclear, spren may build their cities using objects manifested from the Physical Realm.{{book ref|sa3|102}}
Manifesting souls can be dangerous.{{book ref|sa3|108}}
===== Transformation =====
By touching beads, those with the surge of Transformation are able to change the physical form of the object in the physical realm through Soulcasting.{{book ref|sa1|45}}
The area around the perpendicularity has gained a poor reputation due to the number of ships vanishing.{{book ref|sa3|101}} Many spren refuse to sail towards the perpendicularity.{{book ref|sa3|102}}
Their goal is to build their own empire in the Realm, and they took the perpendicularity to be able to control travel between the realms.{{book ref|sa3|108}}
== Weird Stuff ==
Synod, Editors, Keepers
