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{/{character |died=[1] |titles=Callsign: Hurl[2] |residence=Igneous Cavern |world=Detritus |books=Skyward }}{/{spoilers|book=Skyward}}

Hudiya (Callsign: Hurl) is a cadet in DDF Flight School. She is the third member of Skyward Flight[2] and Spensa's wingmate.[1]}} Hurl dies during battle before she is able to graduate FLight School.[1] Her callsign, Hurl, comes from a joke Hydiya made during the cadet's first lesson in the starfighter simulators, where most of the cadet's crashed their Poco's instead of flying them.[2] Hurl is from Igneous Cavern.[3]

Appearance and Personality

Hurl is confident, has a lean, athletic build, and has blonde hair long enough to wear in a ponytail.[3] She can be rather messy and is not in the habit of making her bed.[4] She prefers weights over swimming.[4] She is competitive[4] Hurl snores quite loudly.[5]

She is blunt, outspoken, and unafraid to challenge ideas and attitudes she does not agree with.[3][2] Brash, impulsive, fun loving(23), eager(23), competitive (23)

She has a very carefree personality and sees life as a game and a joke.[2] She is happy to take risks and challenge orders given to her, and takes does not always take serious situations seriously.[6][7] Her ability to treat flight school like a joke disappears after the death of Bim and MOrningtide.[8]

Hurl is aggressive and dislikes being under someone's leadership. She would rather die than eject and be called a coward.[1]

She hasn't thrown up in the centrifuge and dislikes this fact.[4]

She misses her digball team more than the game itself.[9]

She is quite open with her emotions, both positive and negative, and it is clear to those around her when she does not wish to interact with someone.[10] Hurl became more solemn following the death of her flightmates, struggling to find the fun in flying that she used to through her grief.[8][11]

She can be impatient and does not like sitting on the sidelines of a fight once she believes herself to be capable.[1] She can also be stubborn and has ignored warnings in battle that she is being rash and should pull back.[1]


After passing the entrance exam, Hurl was placed in Skyward Flight under the tutorledge of Cobb. Her first day of flight school saw her arriving at the class room with Bim, indicating that they may have known each other prior to the class. She was roomed with the other female members of her flight, with the exception of Spensa, who was denied accomodation.[12]

Like many of the other members of Skyward Flight, Hurl crashed her hologram Poco during their first lesson, however, she was highly entertained by the outcome instead of embarrassed. When the lesson was interrupted by a Krell attack, Hurl, along with the rest of Skyward Flight, were ordered to take to the sky and line up close to the battle to deceive the Krell into thinking there were more pilots ready to join the conflict.[6] She followed Spensa's lead when the other girl took it upon herself to engage the Krell and help distract them. Neither of the women were overly good at their task and had trouble flying adequately. Despite the danger the cadets had been in, and the near death experience that Jorgen had encountered, Hurl was invigorated by the action instead of discouraged.[12]

Hurl enjoyed the light-lance ring game, and in her eagerness took the course at a higher speed than was necessary. Although she did well on the first round, she crashed on the second, although she did not care much that she had lost, instead just enjoying the game they got to play.[13]

A few days later, Skyward Flight was once again sent into battle against the Krell, this time fighting alongside full pilots. Hurl survived the battle, however, lost two of her other flightmates: Bim and Morningtide.[14]

When Spensa tried to talk to Hurl during IMP training, Hurl quickly extracted herself from the conversation to avoid talking with her fellow cadet. Hurl was paired with Kimmalyn during the training, however, during their run Kimmalyn got caught within the radius of Hurl's IMP causing herself to crash. Later, when the flight was given extra drills, Hurl blamed Spensa, due to the other girl showing off. When the other girl almost came to blows with Jorgen, Hurl watched on in interst.[11]

Later during the IMP training exercise, Hurl ignored Spensa when she tried to compliment Hurl on her flying.[15] When the shipyard began falling, Hurl, Arturo, FM, and Jorgen, ended up cut off from the other members of the Flight after they were attacked by Krell. Eventually the members of the Flight were able to regroup and joined Riptide Flight as they headed back to base.[16]

After witnessing Spensa bravely follow Nedd into the shipyard to try and help his brothers, Hurl began to warm up to the other girl. The week after the shipyard crashed, Hurl, Kimmalyn, and FM, devised a plan to sneak Spensa into their dormitory for the evening. While FM and Kimmalyn worked on getting Spensa to their room, Hurl went to the caffiteria and smuggled out extra chocolate cake that could be shared around. When she was caught taking the extra cake by Jorgen, Hurl lied to him, telling him that it was for herself. As the night progressed, Hurl suggested that they come up with flight patterns, showing Spensa her sketchbook in which the other girls had been brainstorming ideas. When Kimmalyn and FM went to scout the route to the bathroom, Hurl explained to Spensa why she had been acting so coldly towards the other girl. The two girls talked through the issue of Spensa's father, then formed a pact of bravery.[4]

Several weeks later, during simulation practice, Hurl explained digball to Spensa while they practiced then asked Spensa about what she did before joining the DDF. Hurl was impressed by how Spensa would help provide food for her mother's buisness, complimenting her and remarking that she found Spensa to be a baddass. After the class, Hurl subtly invites Spensa to join the female Skyward cadets in their room again, however, Spensa declines, not wanting to cause them trouble.[9]

Not long after the end of class, Skyward Flight were called to battle and ordered to take up position near one of the AA guns. While the squad waited, Hurl and Spensa discussed how many Krell they would try and kill and Hurl aired her frustration at being excluded from the main fight. When the cadets were given the green light to join the battle, Hurl and Spensa began chasing down a Krell ship before breaking away to assist Kimmalyn, who had picked up several tails. After helping Kimmalyn escape, Hurl and Spensa chased a Krell ship away from the battle and managed to successfully destroy it. When Kimmalyn called for help once more, the pair split up so that Hurl had time to reignite her ship's shields. Hurl began chasing another Krell, however, picked up several tails of her own. Ignoring the advice given to her by her teammates, Hurl continued after the Krell, despite taking several hits to her shields, and successfully destroyed the enemy ship. To try and escape the two ships still tailing her, Hurl flew upwards to try and get in range of the AA guns so they could shoot down the ships chasing her, losing her shield in the process. Despite Kimmalyn's attempt to destroy Hurl's tails, the Krell successfully hit Hurl's ship, destroying the wing and causing it to plummet towards the ground. Refusing to eject, Hurl tried to land her starfighter, and despite almost succeeding,[17] crashed into the planet's surface.[1]

Scouts that went to investigate the crash site discovered that the acclivity ring of Hurl's starship had been destroyed beyond repair and nothing salvagable remained in the wreckage.[18] Spensa, who is later joined by Jorgen, set out to find Hurl's body after discovering that the lack of salvage would mean her flightmates body would not be recovered for several weeks.[18] The pair found her crashed starfighter quite easily and discovered that Hurl likely died on impact. Spensa retreived Hurl's pilots pin to take back for her family, then Jorgen and Spensa built a pyre in the wreckage and set it alight.[19] Spensa returned the pin to Cobb to be passed on to Hurl's family.[20]

Following her death, Cobb writes to Hurl's parents to explain how she died. Although the Admiral of the DDF was usually tasked with this duty, Cobb did not trust what Ironsides would say to the grieving parents and takes on the responsibility himself.[18]

Attributes and Abilities

As someone who passed the Flight School entrance exam, Hurl is highly knowledgeable about piloting and starfighters.[3] She does not seem to have any prior practical experience in starfighters from before Flight School.[2][12] Ultimately she has trains to pilot a Poco, perform aerial maneuvers, and use its weaponry. Hurl is aware of Flight School traditions prior to starting her training as a cadet and believed the rumor that cadets were expelled if they ejected from their aircraft was to weed out cowards from the DDF.[2]

She is a decent flier and good at using a light-lance, however, her enthusiasm can cross into overeagerness and recklessness.[13] She does not like flying in loops.[4] She keeps trying to name flight mooves after herself.[4] She is excellent at hunting down Krell during battle.[4]

Prior to joining flight school, Hurl was in the student digball team, in the position of carrier.[11] She was highly talented and known as one of the best in the league.[11] She finds flying gives her a similar, though larger, adrenaline rush than sports.[9]


She jokes around with Arturo and Nedd.[21] Hurl teaches the other members of Skyward Flight how to play wall-ball and will often play against Arturo and Nedd. Hurl often beats Nedd.[4] Hurl, Kimmalyn, and FM will brainstorm new flight maneouvours in their spare time and note them in Hurl's notebook.[4] FM and Hurl tease each other[4] Skyward Flight met up to reminisce about Hurl.[22] Kimmalyn blames herself for Hurl's death, thinking that she failed the other girl when she was unable to destroy the Krell that had shot down Hurl.[23]


Hurl becomes cold and hostile to Spensa after finding out that her father is Zeen Nightshade and starts to treat the other girl differently.[21] Despite Spensa's attempts of friendship,[11] Hurl continues to brush her off until witnessing Spensa chase after Nedd into the falling shipyard to help him try and rescue his brothers.[4] Following that incidient, Hurl's opinion of Spensa softens and she begins to open up to the other girl, explaining to Spensa that her parents had often used Spensa's father as a example of what not to be like. She makes amends with Spensa after helping FM and Kimmalyn sneak the other girl into their dorm. Hurl admits that she was wrong to treat SPensa the way she did and acknowledged that children are not their parents and she shouldn't treat Spensa badly because of her father's actions.[4] TO solidify their friendship, Hurl and Spensa committed to each other that they would not back down and formed a pact of bravery. [4]

Following their new found friendship, Hurl and Spensa become wingmates.[9] Cobb notices that their flying cooperation and abilities improve after the two girls become friends.[9] Hurl is impressed that Spensa was an independent ratcatcher and how she helped her mom's buisness. [9]

Hurl becomes a large advocate for Spensa regarding her mistreatment by the DDF.[9] Hurl understands why Spensa turns down her repeat offer to sneak her into the dorms and admires Spensa's bravery/tenacity in her situation.[9] Following their renewed friendship the two become wingmate's and work very well together in battle.[1]

Spensa is devastated by Hurl's death and finds it much harder to cope with her grief than after the death of Bim and Morningtide.[19] In the days immediately following her wingmates death, Spensa emotionally withdraws and isolates herself in an attempt to deal with her grief. Before finding Hurl's corpse, Spensa had hoped that the other girl may have some how miraculously survived, despite evidence that this was unlikely.[19] Despite her hopes, giving Hurl a proper funeral did not lessen Spensa's pain over the loss of her friend.[24] Spensa thinks of Hurl as a hero who died bravely and lashes out when Cobb suggests otherwise.[18] Spensa emotionally withdrew following Hurl's death and shut out those around her including M-Bot.[19] Like after the deaths of Bim and Morningtide, Spensa is filled with guilt when experiencing positive emotions, believing that she shouldn't be allowed to feel happy.[25] Spensa continues to be haunted by Hurl's words about bravery during intense moments, with the pact they made influencing Spensa's decision to eject during an uncontrolled descent and her choice to join the battle and protect Alta Base during the Second Battle of Alta.[26][27]

She also began to close off more to Spensa, cutting off abruptly when she realized she was speaking to her[21] and avoiding her during training.[11] She blamed Spensa for the flight being given extra drills,

Spensa struggles with Hurl's hostility, having found the other girl to be fun to be around and thought that they could be friends.[11]


I want to go with you. It’s a good idea. Hurl…deserves this.

—Jorgen joining Spensa to find Hurl's wreckage[19]

Jorgen accompanied Spensa when she went looking for Hurl's body, following her death, believing that Hurl deserved a proper pilots burial.[19] As he did not stay at Alta Base during his time as a cadet, Jorgen did not spend much time with Hurl outside of the classroom.[19] Despite this, he did consider Hurl to be a friend.[25] Jorgen acknowledged that Hurl's reckless nature was why she had died.[19]


Oh, my stomach. I think I’m going to hurl. Can I do it again?


Your first kill! If you hit ace before you’re done with flight school, I’ll hurl!” Ch 11

“Wow!” she said. “Now that was an explosion. How many points do I get for that performance, Cobb?” “Points? You think this is a game, cadet?” “Life is a game,” Hurl said. Ch 13

A game.” Hurl said. “Like, you’re actually going to let us have fun?” Ch 15

“Boys, boys,” Hurl said, sauntering past. “Can’t we make peace? Find common ground and agree that you’re both terrible pilots?” “Ha!” Arturo said. “You just watch—I’ll make you eat those words someday, Hurl.” “I’m hungry enough that I’d eat them now,” she said, “if they had a decent sauce on them. The mess hall better not be closed. Quirk, can I have your dessert?” “What?” the girl said, looking up from her harness—which she’d been clipping together and folding neatly in her seat, like she always did when getting out of her mockpit. “You’re nice and stuff,” Hurl said. “I figure you’ll give in if I push hard enough. So, can I eat your dessert?” “Bless your stars,” Kimmalyn said. “But touch my pie, and I’ll rip your fingers off.” She blushed when she said it, and lifted her hand in front of her mouth. Chapter 21

“Hurl keeps trying to name new moves after herself,” FM noted. “But we figure the ‘Hurl maneuver’ really ought to have several loops in it or something. Like the one on page fifteen.”

Chapter 28

“My mother told stories of your father, you know. When she saw me back down on the playground, or flinch from a ball during practice. She told me about the pilot who claimed to be brave, but was a coward inside. ‘Don’t you dare sully the name of the Defiant people,’ she’d say to me. ‘Don’t you dare become a Chaser…’ ” Chapter 28 “But we don’t have to be like that,” Hurl continued. “That’s what I realized. A little fear, a little history, those things don’t mean anything. Only what we do means anything.” She looked toward me. “I’m sorry for how I treated you. It was just a…shock, when I found out. But you’re not him, and I’m not either, regardless of what I feel sometimes.” “My father wasn’t a coward, Hurl,” I said. “The DDF lies about him.” She didn’t look like she believed me, but she nodded anyway. Then she sat up, holding out her fist. “Not cowards. No backing down. Brave until the end, right Spin? A pact.” I met her fist with mine. “Brave to the end.” Chapter 28

“Head in the game. Eye on the ball.” Chapter 31

The light went off, and Hurl hovered her ship down beside mine. “The way she treats you is stupid, Spin. You are a badass. Like that stuff you always say.” “Thanks,” I answered. I could feel my cheeks heating up. “Those things make me feel self-conscious now though.” “Don’t let them get to you, Spin. Be who you are.” Chapter 31

“This isn’t fair,” Hurl said. “We should be fighting. We’re hardly cadets anymore, and I’m tired of simulations. Right, Spin?”

Chapter 32

“I’ve almost got him. We’re never going to break any records by being cowards.” Chapter 32

“I…” Her voice was soft; I could barely hear it through the warnings going off on her dash and mine. “I can control it…I can steer…” “Your acclivity ring is damaged!” I said. “You’re losing altitude. Eject!” “Not. A. Coward,” she said. “Brave to the—” Chapter 32

“Don’t call her an idiot,” I snapped. “She was trying to fly a controlled crash. She was trying to save her ship.” “She was scared of being called a coward!” Cobb bellowed. “It had nothing to do with the ship !” “Hurl—Hudiya—was a hero. ” I glared at him. Chapter 33

“So your heroic friend will be left out there—another dead pilot buried by the slag of her own explosion. Scud. I have to go write a letter to her parents and explain why. I can’t trust what Ivans will say.” Chapter 33

That didn’t stop the emotions. The hole inside, the pain of a wound rubbed raw. After this, nothing could ever be the same. Yesterday hadn’t just marked the death of a friend. It marked the death of my ability to pretend this war was—in any way—glorious. Chapter 34

looked back along the scar in the ground her ship had made while crashing. That long swath seemed to indicate that she’d managed to get her ship horizontal at the end, that she’d gotten close to a gliding position. So she’d almost done it. With a blown-off wing and a broken acclivity ring, she’d still almost landed. cHAPTER 34

“Return to the stars,” Jorgen said—the officer’s part. “Sail them well, warrior.”

Chapter 34


  1. a b c d e f g h Escuadrón capítulo 32#
  2. a b c d e f g h Escuadrón capítulo 9#
  3. a b c d Escuadrón capítulo 8#
  4. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Escuadrón capítulo 28#
  5. Escuadrón capítulo 29#
  6. a b Escuadrón capítulo 10#
  7. Escuadrón capítulo 13#
  8. a b Escuadrón capítulo 20#
  9. a b c d e f g h Escuadrón capítulo 31#
  10. Referencia rota - Book shorthand incorrect: sky21
  11. a b c d e f g Escuadrón capítulo 23#
  12. a b c Escuadrón capítulo 11#
  13. a b Escuadrón capítulo 15#
  14. Escuadrón capítulo 19#
  15. Escuadrón capítulo 25#
  16. Escuadrón capítulo 26#
  17. Escuadrón capítulo ref#
  18. a b c d Escuadrón capítulo 33#
  19. a b c d e f g h Escuadrón capítulo 34#
  20. Escuadrón capítulo 37#
  21. a b c Escuadrón capítulo 21#
  22. Escuadrón capítulo 38#
  23. Escuadrón capítulo 48#
  24. Escuadrón capítulo 35#
  25. a b Escuadrón capítulo 41#
  26. Escuadrón capítulo 47#
  27. Escuadrón capítulo 49#

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