Diferencia entre revisiones de «Urithiru»

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(Added info but my prose is poor)
It is said to be somewhere near the middle of Roshar but the exact location is unknown. It is known that many wished for it to be built in [[Alethela]] but it has been confirmed that it was located west of Alethela in the place 'nearest to [[Honor]]'.{{epigraph ref|sa1|35}}There was some disagreement as to whether or not Urithiru was accessible by foot, Varala and Sinbian both claimed that it was inaccessible by foot but in [[Nohadon|Nohadon's]] eighth parable from [[The Way of Kings (in-world)|''The Way of Kings'']] he claimed that he walked from [[Abamabar]] to Urithiru. The only known way to get to Urithiru with out the use of [[Surgebinding]] is through an Oathgate.
During the [[Battle of Narak]], [[Shallan Davar]] finds [[Stormseat]]'s [[Oathgate]] and wasis able to transport part of the [[Alethi]] army by through the [[Oathgate]] to Urithiru during the [[Everstorm]].