Diferencia entre revisiones de «UTol»

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(Página creada con «{{Shardworld |system=UTol system{{book ref|yumi|part=anotherepilogue}} |universe=Cosmere |books=Yumi and the Nightmare Painter }} {{spoilers|yumi}} '''UTol'''…»)
{{in progress}}
[[en: UTol]]
|system=[[UTol system]]{{book ref|yumi|part=anotherepilogue}}
The world forms a double planet system along with [[Komashi]], and the pair orbit a large red-orange sun.{{book ref|yumi|3}}{{book ref|yumi|part=anotherepilogue}} The planet itself is covered primarily by oceans, with relatively few land masses.{{book ref|yumi|30}}
==RelationshipRelación withcon Komashi==
From Komashi, the planet appears in the sky as a pale, soft blue "star" known as the daystar; it is the only celestial body whose light is able to penetrate the [[shroud]].{{book ref|yumi|1}}{{book ref|yumi|2}} Yumi considers the appearance of the daystar to be an encouraging omen from the [[hijo]].{{book ref|yumi|2}}
[[Hoid]] does not fully understand how the light from UTol penetrates the shroud on Komashi, although he believes it is related to [[Virtuosity]]'s [[Splinter]]ing in the region.{{book ref|yumi|1}} The Splintering had the notable effect of creating the [[hijo]] on Komashi,{{book ref|yumi|17}} but it is unknown if it affected UTol and its inhabitants.
===ResearchInvestigación andy ExplorationExploración===
[[Nagadan]] scientists on Komashi have been actively observing UTol, initially using telescopes and later employing a [[hion]]-powered "[[space bus]]" to orbit the planet.{{book ref|yumi|21}}{{book ref|yumi|30}} Their surveys indicate that the Sho Del have some settlements on the planet's limited land masses, but primarily reside on the oceans, in boats. The Nagadan have not detected any radio signals from the planet, and theorize that UTol does not have any technologically advanced societies.{{book ref|yumi|30}}
Shortly before the [[battle of Kilahito]], the space bus landed on UTol and made first contact with the Sho Del, but the results of that meeting are unknown.{{book ref|yumi|30}}
== NotesNotas ==
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