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Come la comida que le apetece, sea de hombres o de mujeres.{{book ref|sa2|24}} Habla con confianza, relejada y sin reservas.{{book ref|sa2|28}} Shallan suele acordarse de ella cuando se encuentra con gente cuyas interacciones son un juego sutil de superarse entre ellos.{{book ref|sa3|18}} A Tyn le gusta
Tyn enjoys acting above Shallan. She's smart and curious, and always wants to have the upper hand, which is why she investigates Shallan’s [[Jah Keved|homeland]], background, and even the history of her crew.{{book ref|sa2|34}}
Tyn likes having an acolyte, someone to nurture, under her wing. Shallan suspects that is at least partly because Tyn likes having someone around to impress.{{book ref|sa2|32}}
