Diferencia entre revisiones de «Torfin»

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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Torfin''' is a member of [[Bridge Four]] on [[Roshar]].{{book ref|sa1|27}}
He has been a member of Bridge Four since its origins as a wartime bridge running crew under [[Torol Sadeas]].{{book ref|sa1|27}} After the crew is sent on chasm duty in the [[Shattered Plains]] to loot Parshendi corpses, they are quiet and nervous, but Kaladin engages Torfin, [[Drehy]], and other members of the crew in conversation to break the tension.{{book ref|sa1|27}} Torfin is later seen training with the rest of Bridge Four in the warcamps. When [[Moash]] abruptly stops carrying a bridge, Torfin yells at him, not realizing that Moash stopped due to his shock at seeing Kaladin's rapid recovery after his judgement by the [[highstorm]].{{book ref|sa1|40}}
When [[Kaladin]] began to train Bridge Four, Torfin and [[Drehy]] speak to each other.{{book ref|sa1|27}} He also yells at [[Moash]] when Moash stopped as Kaladin recovered from the [[highstorm]].{{book ref|sa1|40}} He is scared of heights.{{book ref|sa3|55}}
After Kaladin swears the [[Immortal Words|second ideal]] of the [[Order of Windrunners]], Torfin becomes one of his [[squire]]s. He is able to breathe in [[Stormlight]] whenever Kaladin is nearby, giving him healing powers and the ability to fly using the [[Surge]] of Gravitation. Unfortunately, he is scared of heights.{{book ref|sa3|55}}
== Notes ==
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Editors, Keepers
