Diferencia entre revisiones de «Tillaume»

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(tweak infobox)
{{in progress}}
|died={{date|341|PC}}{{book ref|mb4|9}}
|books=[[MistbornNacidos de la bruma Era 2]]
|[[Elendel|TheLa cityciudad]] hastiene agran largenúmero numberde of constablesalguaciles. AndY theyson arebastante quitecapaces capableen insu their jobstrabajo. [[HouseCasa Ladrian|OurNuestra housecasa]], howeversin embargo, hassolo buttiene oneun highgran lordseñor. ThousandsMiles de personas dependdependen onde youusted, sirseñor.
|Tillaume toal Highalto Lordseñor [[Waxillium Ladrian]]{{book ref|mb4|2}}
'''Tillaume''' ises theel butlermayordomo ofde la [[HouseCasa Ladrian]] onen [[Scadrial]].{{book ref|mb4|2}}
== AppearanceApariencia andy Personalitypersonalidad ==
|Your house needs you. Thousands of families rely upon you. They need your leadership and your guidance. You did not ask for this, I understand. But the mark of a great man is one who knows when to set aside the important things in order to accomplish the vital ones.