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== Geography ==
Thaylenah encompasses a trio of islands, as well as a small number of islets, in the South-East of Roshar, on the ocean known as the [[Southern Depths]]. TheTogether, largestthey ofcover theroughly three414,000 is several times bigger than the other twokm<sup>2</sup>, andputting appearsThaylenah toroughly bein the country'smiddle populationof center.all It'sRosharan mostly mountainous, with a tall range rising in the middlestates.{{mapurl ref|Roshar}} The mountains reach all the way to the shore, with towering cliffs making up the islands northern coasturl=https://www. The climate is cold 17thshard.com/forum/blogs/entry/634-roshar-physical-characteristics-and-areas/|text=Roshar frigid,Physical althoughCharacteristics theAnd localsAreas|site=17th find it pleasantly chill.{{book ref|sa2|1Shard}}
The largest of the three islands is several times bigger than the other two, and appears to be the country's population center. It's mostly mountainous, with a tall range rising in the middle.{{map ref|Roshar}} The mountains reach all the way to the shore, with towering cliffs making up the islands northern coast. The climate is cold and frigid, although the locals find it pleasantly chill.{{book ref|sa2|1}}
To the north, Thaylenah is separated from the [[Frostlands]] by the [[Longbrow's Straits]]. The nearest countries to it are the city-states of [[Kharbranth]] to the north and [[Shallow Crypts]] to the east.{{map ref|Roshar}} Within Thaylenah itself, there are only two known major cities -- the capital, [[Thaylen City |Thaylen]], in a large [[lait]] on the nothwestern coast, and [[Klna City|Klna]], a shipbuilding centre further east.{{book ref|sa3|i|13}} The port city of [[Amydlatn]] may belong to Thaylenah, although this is uncertain.{{book ref|sa2|1}}
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