Diferencia entre revisiones de «Thaylenah»

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(links to Passions and Thaylen script)
The dominant cultural tradition in Thaylenah is [[Alethi]] [[Vorinism]]. Thaylen people have long eyebrows that they tuck behind their ears as a sign of respect. Silk patterned vests, shirts, and skirts with removable hems are fashionable for Thaylen woman to wear. It is mentioned that Thaylen bread is puffy, like cake,{{book ref|sa1|42}} with a long and rounded shape.{{book ref|sa1|24}}
Thaylen culture diverges slightly from pure Vorinism in some ways. Despite discouragement from the [[Ardentia]], belief in the [[Passions]] is common.{{book ref|sa1|8}} Many Thaylen men also learn to write using [[Thaylen script]].
Thaylen merchants travel with wagon caravans to trade items throughout Roshar. Master merchants are legally fathers, or ''babsks'', to their apprentice merchants. Traditional merchant clothing, consisting of a flat-topped conical hat and starched robes, identify master merchant from their servants and guards.
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