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'''Tellingdwar''' is a [[Terris]] elder in [[The Village]].{{book ref|bom|Prologue}}
Tellingdwar is a very high ranking elder who is also the aunt of [[Waxillium]]. She leads The Village and upholds the Terris ideals of peace and tranquility. She is trying very hard to allow Wax too integrate into Terris society.
While a believer in peace, she is very protective of The Village, and does not want outsiders to police the Terrismen. However, she does not beleive Waxillium when he tells her that a Terrisman is likely responsible for a disapearing child. He is, but she does not admit it because she wants to maintain the image that The Village is a peaceful place.
== Notes ==
<references />
{{Mistborn|Era 2}}
