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'''Tanavast''' was the Vessel of the [[Shard]] [[Honor]].{{qawob ref|698|1|The Almighty was Tanavast?|date=21 Mar 20114229}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
== History ==
At some point in the past Tanavast met [[Hoid]], leaving a good impression on him.{{book ref|sa2|epilogue}}
Tanavast was one of the 16 who shattered [[Adonalsium]] and took up its power.{{msh ref|3|2}} Following this he moved to [[Roshar]] with his lover,{{qawob ref|985|6|Were Cultivation and Honor romantically involved?|date=May 22nd, 20132729}}, [[Cultivation]].{{17swob ref|post|42213|They came together|date=25 Sept 20121169}}
At some point he formed the [[Oathpact]] with the 10 [[Herald]]s. The [[Oathpact]] was part of what kept [[Odium]] captive on [[Braize]] where he could not splinter other [[Shard]]s.{{epigraph ref|sa2|70}}{{wob ref|6273}}
At one point in the past he left the [[Stormfather]] with the task of imparting his visions upon [[Gavilar|select]] [[Dalinar|individuals]], to help mankind even after his death.{{book ref|sa2|89}} It is through these visions that he is seen and described.
He was eventually killed by [[Odium]]{{book ref|sa1|75}} and Honor was shattered.{{qawob ref|755|27|Was Honor Splintered?|date=Apr 17th, 20129810}} The [[Letters#The_Second_Letter|reply]] states that it has been millennia since one of the vessels has been killed, suggesting his death occurred long before the setting of the [[Stormlight Archive]].{{epigraph ref|sa2|70}}
== Abilities ==
As a Vessel Tanavast originally held as much power as his peers.{{17swob ref|post|421161081}} At some point however he was weakened enough to allow [[Odium]] a chance to kill him. Like other Vessels he had a Shardic future sight, but it was not as strong as that of [[Cultivation]].{{book ref|sa1|75}}
Of the different forms of [[Investiture]] found on [[Roshar]] 10 are connected to [[Honor]].
On [[Roshar]] Tanavast was worshipped as The Almighty. He was called by 10 different names, with the last one being holiest and used only by [[Ardent|Ardents]]s. According to scripture The Almighty was cast out of the Tranquiline Halls after the [[Day of Recreance]] and thus now resides in the hearts of mankind.
== Theories and Speculation ==
