Diferencia entre revisiones de «Talenel»

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When the blade is summoned to confront Amaram it is described as "Wider than most, it was almost cleaver like in appearance".{{book ref|sa2|76}}
We are sure it's the same blade that arrived at the shattered plains Adolin says "Bless the man for listening to reason and bonding that madman's blade" {{book ref|sa2|85}}. The blades are clearly different in shape, but shardblades of living spren can change shape and it is unknown whether Honorblades can do the same.
In addition, the "cleaver-like" [[Shardblade]] screamed in Dalinar's mind after he bonded the [[Stormfather]]. Therefore, it must have been a normal [[Shardblade]] and not an [[Honorblade]].
At one point, [[Shallan Davar]] visited him while acting as Veil, on orders from the [[Ghostbloods]]. He was repeatedly mumbling the same phrases over and over again, predicting the [[Everstorm]].