Diferencia entre revisiones de «Talenel»

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Little to nothing is known of Talenel's personality before Aharietiam. As patron of the Stonewards, Taln was a man who exemplified the traits they found valuable, including resolve, strength, and dependability.{{epigraph ref|sa2|37}} He was also self-sacrificing, often allowing himself to be killed during Desolations in order to achieve victories thought to be impossible.{{book ref|sa1|part=prelude}} When men fight and die, nothing could prevent Taln from fighting alongside them.{{book ref|sa3|121}} This penchant for stubbornness as well as his selflessness are likely what allowed Taln to resist the torture in Damnation for over four thousand years to prevent a Desolation from coming to Roshar.{{epigraph ref|sa2|83}} Upon his realization that he had been betrayed by the other Heralds, Taln felt only joy that humanity had been given time to recover and might finally have a chance at defeating Odium in the [[True Desolation]].{{book ref|sa3|119}}
After the torture in Damnation, Taln's mind was heavily damaged. Upon his return to Roshar, Taln displayed true awareness only at his arrival in Kholinar{{book ref|sa1|epilogue}} and a handful of other times.{{book ref|sa2|88}}{{book ref|sa2|63}} [[Dalinar]] opening [[Honor's Perpendicularity]] allowed him to temporarily become fully lucid.{{wob ref|12789}} Most of the time Taln spends dully repeating a mantra about the coming Desolations and the preparations humanity must make to be prepared to fight the Voidbringers.{{book ref|sa2|i|7}} Sometimes he speaks at a whisper, sometimes at a shout, but always he stares unseeingly. His thoughts are confused and scattered, at times nonsensical. He often thinks of his time being tortured, and seems to perceive the world around him as being on fire. He has some dim recognition that he has returned too late to stop the coming Desolation. Taln's battle reflexes seem sharp still, and he may still react to attacks, such as when he saved Amaram's life by snatching a dart out of the air,{{book ref|sa2|88}} although fighting itself terrifies him.{{book ref|sa3|121}} Taln may also react to Surgebinding done in his vicinity with shock and aggression, although he is able to recognize the person Surgebinding as a Radiant.{{book ref|sa2|63}} However, in both these instances, Taln lapses back into his waking non-responsiveness and is unable to be roused again.{{book ref|sa2|88}}{{book ref|sa2|63}} He is capable of some limited movement in this state, such as lying down, but spends most of his time merely sitting.{{book ref|sa2|63}} His trauma has caused some to dismiss him as a simple madman.{{book ref|sa2|63}}{{book ref|sa2|i|7}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==