Diferencia entre revisiones de «Szeth»

3 bytes añadidos ,  hace 5 años
"Szeth is given a sword by Nale wich he calls Nimi." corrected to "Szeth is given a sword by Nale, which he calls Nimi."
("Szeth is given a sword by Nale wich he calls Nimi." corrected to "Szeth is given a sword by Nale, which he calls Nimi.")
== Relationships ==
=== Sword Nimi or [[Nightblood]] ===
Szeth is given a sword by Nale, wichwhich he calls Nimi. This sword, which is also known as [[Nightblood]] talks to him in his mind and can read his thoughts. Szeth was warned not to draw it except in case of extreme emergency and only if he carry much Stormlight, lest it will feed upon his soul. {{book ref|sa2|90}}
They have conversations often and Nimi knows a good amountdeal of information onabout Szeth's past who tells him he had a voice like him in the past, and hopes this time it goes better{{book ref|sa2|92}}. Nimi helps him decide which side to take.{{book ref|sa2|116}}
Szeth draws the sword twice. The first time in the Purelake. When he drew the sword, he heard a rushing sound, like thousand screams. Colors changed around him. They deepened, growing darker and more vibrant. It shouted DESTROY!. Liquid darkness flowed from the Blade, and then melted to smoke as it fell. Flesh and blood puffed instantly into black smoke. This sword seemed to sear away even the man's soul. He was able to ram it back into its silvery sheath. {{book ref|sa3|92}} The second time, it almost consumed him and Lift, this happened at the Battle of Thaylan. {{book ref|sa3|118}}
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