Diferencia entre revisiones de «Szeth»

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=== Assassin in White ===
When he was 29 years of age, Szeth was purchased by [[Klade]], a member of came intothe [[Parshendi]] ruling council. When Klade pressures him, Szeth tells him about his Shardblade and his abilities{{book ref|sa3|prologue}}.
The Parshendi ruling council orders Szeth to murder King [[Gavilar Kholin]] of [[Alethkar]] during the Alethi-Parshendi treaty-signing celebrations, in public, and be seen doing it with live witnesses. As he attacked he was fooled into believing Gavilar was a bodyguard. Szeth was forced into chasing after the escaping target, instead of fighting a protracted battle. However soon after, he realized the target was simply a decoy, since Gavilar would be much safer in his own Shardplate, fighting with his Shardblade, instead of fleeing for his life. Doubling back, Szeth abandoned chase and returned to kill Gavilar. A fierce battle between Gavilar and Szeth commenced. Gavilar almost succeeded in killing Szeth with a Shardplate enhanced punch, but ultimately failed and fell to his death upon a piece of wooden debris which impaled him in a spot where the Shardplate had been broken. Before dying, Gavilar had two last requests: to tell his brother to "find the most important words a man could say," and to protect a mysterious [[black sphere]] that shone dark light. Szeth honored both requests, scrawling a message to [[Dalinar]] into the wood with Gavilar's own hand and blood.{{book ref|twok|prologue}} Eventually he also hid away the black orb somewhere in [[Jah Keved]].{{book ref|twok|i|3}}
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