Diferencia entre revisiones de «Szeth»

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(added info for edgedancer)
m (reference clean-up)
He is short, bald, and has large, round eyes like most Shin, which normally are dark green, but change to pale sapphire when he summons his [[Shardblade]].{{book ref|sa1|i|3}}
Szeth has been named truthlessTruthless, he was given an [[Honorblade]] and was cast out from the Valley of Truth, forced to bear the blade and the sins of all those he served. Szeth is bound unwavering to honor, he is loyal to the extent that he will do anything asked by his master including self mutilation. He is forbidden to take his own life or to give up his blade. Szeth, while accomplished at assassination, is not a killer, always facing inner turmoil when taking a life. He hears the screams of his victims when he closes his eyes and loathes himself so that he descends into madness.
Szeth is master of the three lashings, [[Stormlight]], and the Shardblade he wields. Szeth is proficient at the martial art of [[Kammar]] as well. Furthermore, he shows cunning, intelligence, resourcefulness and determination. When ordered, Szeth is an unstoppable killing machine.
Szeth is bound to his [[Oathstone]]. Whoever owned his Oathstone owned Szeth. Szeth is obliged by his honor to do as the owner commanded with the exception of killing himself or giving up his Shardblade.{{book ref|sa1|i|3}}
He was named [[Truthless]] at approximately 27 years of age and was traded to the Thaylen merchant [[Vstim]] shortly afterwards.{{book ref|sa1|i|4}}
Just after being exiled from [[Shinovar]] Szeth visited [[Urithiru]] for the first time.{{book ref|sa2|I|10}}
=== Contemplation ===
After his confrontation with Kaladin, Szeth retreats to the top of Urithiru where he wonders if he was wrong the entire time, he stares into the distance and trying not to blink as he hears the screams of his victims every time he closes his eyes. Szeth shouts at the sun demanding why must he bear the sins if he is not truthlessTruthless and decides to go look for answers or someone to kill.
=== Meeting with Taravangian ===