Diferencia entre revisiones de «Sylphrena»

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=== AppearanceApariencia ===
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InEn theel [[PhysicalReino RealmFísico]], Syl canpuede taketener onuna a varietyvariedad ofde appearancesapariencias, includingincluyendo aun ribbonlazo ofde lightluz,{{book ref|sa3|5}} auna flurryráfaga ofde leaveshojas,{{book ref|sa1|23}} flameuna llama,{{book ref|sa1|40}} oro auna smallnube cloudpequeña.{{book ref|sa1|27}} HoweverSin embargo, sheprefiere prefersla theforma formde ofuna amujer youngjoven womande aboutun apalmo handspande tallaltura, withcon una ancara angular facey andfluido flowingpelo hairque thatse fadesdesvanece intoen mistbruma behinddetrás herde headsu cabeza.{{book ref|sa1|2}} SheUsualmente usuallyviste wearsun avestido long,largo flowingy dressfluyente, ofde aun girlishcorte cutinfantil.{{book ref|sa1|9}} SheA willmenudo oftenle augmentañade itdiferentes withartículos variousde othervestir, articlescomo ofuna clothing,chaqueta likeo aun capparaguas, ao jacketlo orcambia anpor umbrella,un or swap it out foratuendo similar attire, likecomo aun [[havah]] withcon auna [[safehandmano segura]].{{book ref|sa3|46}}{{book ref|sa3|5}} RegardlessNo ofobstante, hersin clothing,importar howeversu vestimenta, she alwayssiempre goesva barefootdescalza.{{book ref|sa3|91}} InEn anycualquier formforma sheque takesadopte, hersu entireforma formentera hastiene aun uniform,colorazul blue-whiteblanquecino coloruniforme, andy glowsbrilla withcon faintuna bluetenua lightluz azul. WhileMientras que [[KaladinKaladinm]] andy [[LunamorLumanor]] canpueden alwaysverla see hersiempre, topara othersotros, she'sella es invisible unlessa sheno willsser herselfque toquiera beque seense la vea.{{book ref|sa1|21}} AsConforme el vínculo entre Kaladin andy Syl's bondse growshace strongermás fuerte, Syl ises ablecaoaz tode manifestmanifestar hersu clothesropa inen varyingdiferentes shadestonalidades ofde blueazul; whileaunque shepueda cancambiar evenel changecolor herde clothingsu to other colorsropa, sheno ises notcapaz ablede tocambiar change theel color ofde hersu "skin.piel".{{book ref|sa4|55}}{{book ref|sa4|58}}
Syl is also able to appear as a shape-shifting [[Shardblade]]. She occasionally appears as a sword or shield, but most often manifests as a spear.{{book ref|sa2|86}} Common between all these forms are a physical makeup of glowing, silvery metal and glyphs engraved on the surface.{{book ref|sa2|86}}{{book ref|sa3|10}} As a Shardspear, the glyphs are swirling ones engraved along the spearhead.{{book ref|sa2|86}} She is able to appear in varying lengths, but typically appears with a cylindrical grip, unadorned save for a foot long helical swirl of metal right before the tip. The spearhead has a single serration at the base where it connects to the grip.{{file ref|Call_to_Adventure_cover.jpg}}{{file ref|Windrunner_by_Felix_Abel_Klaer.png}}{{file ref|The_Next_Ideal.png}}{{file ref|Bridge_4_poster_without_text.jpg}} As a Shardblade, Syl typically appears sleek and beautiful, with a Windrunner glyph centered on the blade. Lines running off the glyph towards the hilt are reminiscent of her hair.{{book ref|sa3|10}}