Diferencia entre revisiones de «Sylphrena»

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Things came to a head during the [[Battle of the Tower]]. There, Syl manifested as a full-sized figure, and remembered her true nature. She encouraged Kaladin to say the [[Immortal Words]], and later accompanied him during the battle.{{book ref|sa1|67}} Afterwards, she pushed Kaladin further to trust Dalinar, leading to Bridge Four becoming the Kholin bodyguards.{{book ref|sa1|73}}
=== Training a Windrunner ===
| Something dangerous is coming.
| Syl upon seeing [[stormspren]]{{book ref|sa2|9}}
Syl's respect for Dalinar only grew after he discarded [[Oathbringer (Shardblade)|Oathbringer]] to free the slaves, and she continued to push Kaladin to trust him more.{{book ref|sa2|9}} She also told Kaladin about the possibility of other Surgebinders being out there, and insisted that he become what Dalinar needs, as she began to notice [[stormspren]], Odium's servants, out and about.{{book ref|sa2|9}} When [[Amaram]] arrived, causing Kaladin's opinion of Dalinar to drop by association, Syl insisted that he speak with Dalinar and be frank with him, although to no avail.{{book ref|sa2|16}}
It was around this time that Kaladin began backsliding on his oaths, causing Syl to worry about him.{{book ref|sa2|22}} Nonetheless, she stuck by him, and gave him a warning when [[Szeth]] was coming after the [[Kholin]]s. She also immediately recognized Szeth as not a Surgebinder, despite his abilities.{{book ref|sa2|32}} Nonetheless, she was still surprised at finding out that Kaladin could heal Shardblade wounds.{{book ref|sa2|33}}
Even as Kaladin's mental state continued to deteriorate, Syl still insisted that Dalinar could be trusted, and that Kaladin should open up to him, especially after learning about [[Moash]]'s plot to kill [[Elhokar]].{{book ref|sa2|41}}{{book ref|sa2|44}} Eventually, after a successful training in the chasms that saw Kaladin learn how to fly, and her sharing more information about Surgebinding, he was almost convinced, but his motivation evaporated when he saw that Dalinar made Amaram the head of the new Knights Radiant.{{book ref|sa2|52}}{{book ref|sa2|55}} Syl still managed to convince him that things would be different during the four-on-one battle.{{book ref|sa2|57}} Unfortunately, she was wrong, and Kaladin is arrested instead.{{book ref|sa2|57}}
=== Death and Rebirth ===
[[File:Kaladin in WoR.jpg|thumb|right|200px|<center><small>by {{a|botanicaxu}}</small></center> Kaladin summoning Syl as a [[Shardblade]] ]]
When Kaladin began to break his oaths after becoming [[Dalinar]]'s bodyguard, Syl started losing sentience, reverting back to a mindless windspren. She became more childlike, easily distracted, and lost her bond with Kaladin to the point where he could no longer draw upon Stormlight to Surgebind. When Kaladin fell into the chasm, he was able to draw one breath of Stormlight to save himself, though he heard Syl scream in his head. She did not reappear after that, and during the next highstorm, Kaladin received a vision from the Stormfather, saying that he had killed her. He was no longer able to use any Surgebinding powers, and Syl vanished.
After Kaladin was arrested, Syl was disappointed and subdued.{{book ref|sa2|57}} Shortly afterwards, Kaladin began to abandon his Oaths in his mind, causing her to begin losing her sapience.{{book ref|sa2|64}} She became more childlike and easily distracted, losing her bond with Kaladin to the point where he began having trouble drawing upon [[Stormlight]]. Nonetheless, she retained enough presence of mind to remind him to say the words, and to provide him with one last breath of Stormlight when he falls into the chasms.{{book ref|sa2|68}}{{book ref|sa2|69}} It is then that she died, the strain on her bond too large to keep her going.{{book ref|sa2|74}}
|Kaladin! Stretch forth thy hand!
|Syl just before becoming a [[Shardblade]]{{book ref|sa2|84}}
Still, death is more of a spectrum than a state to a spren. As Kaladin began to slowly return to his Oaths, growing wary of Moash's plan, his connection to her deepened again.{{book ref|sa2|77}} Finally, he took a stand to protect [[Elhokar]] from the would-be assassins. This seems to be what reawakened Syl, as she managed to go to him.{{book ref|sa2|83}} Reappearing as a ribbon of light, she encouraged him to say the words, defying Stormfather, and commanded him to stretch out his hand. This, along with Kaladin swearing the Third Oath, allowed her to manifest as a [[Shardblade]].{{book ref|sa2|84}}
After scaring off Moash and [[Graves]], the two set out to protect [[Dalinar]] from [[Szeth]], who was just attacking in the chaos of the [[Battle of Narak]].{{book ref|sa2|85}} In the ensuing fight, she showcased her ability to transform into many different weapons, culminating with Kaladin using her to slice through Szeth's wrist, breaking his tie to the [[Honorblade]]. After making sure that Kaladin took the blade with him, Syl demanded -- and got -- a smile.{{book ref|sa2|87}}
=== Meeting the Freed Parshmen ===
When Kaladin tried to save Elhokar from the assassination attempt, he thought the words of the First Ideal, and began to hear shouting. It resolved into Syl arguing with the Stormfather and being forbidden to return to Kaladin. Syl then told Kaladin to speak the words, and he spoke the Third Ideal of the Windrunners. Syl then reappeared and spun around Kaladin, telling him to hold out his hand. He did so, blocking Moash's Shardblade as Syl formed into a Shardblade in his hand. His Surgebinding abilities came back, and Syl was able to speak in his mind and tell him that she was "only as dead as his oaths".{{expand}}
== Abilities and Attributes ==
Editors, Keepers
