Diferencia entre revisiones de «Sondeluz»

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m (Added sections for clarity)
Following his discovery of a skill for interrogation; Lightsong discovered he had various skills that he had no memory of learning, including mathematics, sketching, a knowledge of sailing terms and juggling. He also discovered he did not have skills or knowledge of horses, gardening, sculpting, foreign languages, pottery, the dyeing industry, or sword fighting.
== Quotes ==
| Not a god, but a scribe. A silly little scribe who was allowed to play god for a few years! A coward.
| Lightsong about himself{{book ref|wb|54}}
| You are a god. To me, at least. It doesn’t matter how easily you can be killed, how much Breath you have, or how you look. It has to do with who you are and what you mean.
| Llarimar to Lightsong{{book ref|wb|54}}
== Trivia ==
Synod, Editors, Keepers
