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m (added residence tag)
'''Sigzil''' is an [[Azish]] member of [[Bridge Four]] on [[Roshar]].
== Appearance and Personality ==
His skin is dark brown and his hair black, and he wears no beard.
== History ==
Sigzil tried to kill a man and thought himself successful. It is implied that his actions was what led him to becoming a bridgeman. {{book ref|sa1|40}}
Sigzil performed experiments using [[Kaladin]] as the primary subject to measure and document the extents of his [[Windrunner]] abilities.{{book ref|sa2|12}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
His skin is dark brown and his hair black, and he wears no beard.
== History ==
==== Bridge Four Beginnings====
When Kaladin came to wake the men of Bridge Four, Sigzil demanded what they would be doing, his accent obviously Azish or Emuli. From that moment, he was very reluctant to follow Kaladin. (Chapter 14) When Kaladin announced that the wounded would be refused food or pay, Sigzil along with a few other Bridge Four members nodded, as if they expected the treatment. (Chapter 21)
On one of their runs, Sigzil and Moash continued their hostility towards Kaladin by not even looking at him when he tried to pull them into conversations. It all came to a head when Kaladin picked up a spear when they were on chasm duty. He chastised the bridgeleader for thinking he was better than the rest of the group and that they were just his own personal troop of soldiers. Drehy defended Kaladin and shoved Sigzil as he passed. (Chapter 27) Sigzil was one of the last holdouts in joining the rest of Bridge Four for training under Kaladin, not really warming up to the bridgeleader until he survived the highstorm. (Chapter 27)
During one of the clashes between the Parshendi and Sadeas' troops, Sigzil joined Rock who stepped up beside Kaladin as they watched the battle unfold. Kaladin asked Rock why the Parshendi fight and Sigzil says that it is because of the gemstones. He says they need them for the same reason the Alethi do, to make food. Kaladin continued his questions by asking the pair why bridgemen can't have shields. While Rock suggested that it makes them slow, Sigzil disagrees saying it wouldn't slow them down. Sigzil asked Kaladin why then and Kaladin realizes it's because they make good targets. They are used as bait to draw the attention of the Parshendi. Sigzil considered this, but said it seems foolish to waste troops. Kaladin tells him that it actually isn't foolish. Bridgemen aren't trained and the loss of untrained men doesn't hurt Sadeas as much. Others joined Sigzil, Rock and Kaladin as they observed the battle.
When they returned to camp, the rest of Bridge Four enjoyed laughter and stew from Rock. However, Sigzil did not join in. Kaladin walked over to him and sat down. Kaladin asked if he was hungry and Sigzil admitted that he just wasn't as eager as the others. Kaladin offered appreciation for Sigzil's analysis on the plateau. Kaladin noticed that Sigzil was educated and he hesitates. Sigzil doesn't really want to admit to Kaladin that he is keen of mind, calling it a sin. Kaladin argued that it isn't a sin for the Alethi, but Sigzil counters that they only care about wars and the art of killing. When Kaladin asked what he'd seen besides the army, Sigzil admits he hadn't. Kaladin then questioned why an educated man found his way onto a bridge crew. Sigzil tells Kaladin his education was never completed. Kaladin admits that neither was his. Sigzil looks at him curious and Kaladin tells him about his past as an apprentice surgeon. Sigzil nodded and tells Kaladin he's not surprised, that the others suspected Kaladin came from a high birth, especially with hold he leads. Kaladin shifted the attention to Sigzil, asking his story.
Sigzil isn't surprised when he does. Kaladin admits it's because he likes knowing the men he leads. Sigzil questioned Kaladin if he would change his mind knowing some of them were murderers. Kaladin told him that he'd be in good company. Sigzil admits that he wasn't a lighteyes and that he wasn't dead, not for his lack of trying. Sigzil trailed off, not offering any more details.
Sigzil admitted that Kaladin was right about the bridgemen and tells Kaladin about Marabethia. Kaladin confessed that he didn't know about it. Sigzil tells Kaladin that what he said earlier reminds him
== Notes ==