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Oficio Palace Guard
Grupo Kholinar Palace Guard
Residencia Kholinar
Nacionalidad de Alezkar
Mundo natal Roshar
Universo Cosmere

Sidin is a captain of the Palace Guard in Kholinar on Roshar.[1]

Appearance and Personality

He is relatively young, and presumably lighteyed. He likely stays clean-shaven, as Adolin is surprised to see him with a beard after he is imprisoned. He wears a uniform with captain's knots on the shoulders signifying his rank.[1]


During the Siege of Kholinar, Queen Aesudan—under the influence of the Unmade—culled the Palace Guard, claiming that some of them had disobeyed her. Sidin and a number of other guards were locked into the palace garrison and possibly forgotten. During the Battle of Kholinar, an officer approached King Elhokar to let him know that there was evidence of tampering with the garrison door. The officer showed Adolin that the door had been altered to lock from the outside. Once the door was opened, Adolin recognized Sidin, although it was difficult due to his dirty, unkempt appearance. Sidin was shocked to see Adolin, but he explained the situation, and Adolin was encouraged to learn that not everyone around Aesudan had been corrupted.[1]

Sidin quickly rallied his fellow prisoners into offering support to the liberation effort. Strangely, Sidin and the other prisoners believed that they had been imprisoned for just a few days, eating only three times, despite Adolin telling them that it had actually been weeks. The guardsmen said that they could fight, but Adolin convinced them to act as reserves and let themselves be checked over by medics.[1]

After meeting back up with Elhokar, Adolin assigned Sidin and half a platoon to follow the king as they seemed to have resisted the influence of the palace and knew the terrain better than the Wall Guard.[1]


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