Diferencia entre revisiones de «Shashara»

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(Added info from Brandon Sanderson's Annotations)
'''Shashara''' was one of the [[Five Scholars]] on [[Nalthis]].
Shashara's life before she Returned is a mystery. Upon her Return, she was named '''Glorysinger''' by the [[Cult of the Returned]].<ref>''[http://brandonsanderson.com/annotation-warbreaker-chapter-twenty-six/ Warbreaker Annotations, Chapter 26]''</ref> She became one of the Five Scholars. [[Vasher]] indicates that she was one of the more talented [[Awakener]]s in the group. She was instrumental in the creation of the one-Breath [[Command]] to create Lifeless. Shashara is also the one who discovered how to create a sentient Awakened object of steel, leading to the creation of [[Nightblood]].<ref>Warbreaker, Chapter 51</ref>
She was the sister of [[Denth]]. She eventually married Vasher{{cite}} and the two of themShashara collaborated on their Awakening work, eventually marrying.<ref>''[http://brandonsanderson.com/annotation-warbreaker-chapter-twenty-six/ Warbreaker Annotations, Chapter 26]''</ref> Shashara and Vasher worked together to create the Command for Nightblood, "Destroy evil."<ref>Warbreaker, Chapter 51</ref>
Shashara drew Nightblood the only time it was used in battle during the [[Manywar]].<ref>''[http://brandonsanderson.com/annotation-warbreaker-chapter-twenty-six/ Warbreaker Annotations, Chapter 26]''</ref> While the details of the [[Battle of Twilight Falls]] has yet to be revealed, Vasher found the outcome to be horrifying enough to take action.
Vasher used Nightblood to slay Shashara,<ref>Warbreaker, Chapter 29</ref> his own wife, when it became clear that she was going to reveal to the general populace how to create more sentient swords.<ref>''[http://brandonsanderson.com/annotation-warbreaker-chapter-twenty-six/ Warbreaker Annotations, Chapter 26]''</ref> She had already revealed the Command to create Lifeless from a single Breath, which was a contributing factor in the start of the Manywar.
== Notes ==