Diferencia entre revisiones de «Sel»

No hay cambio en el tamaño ,  hace 11 años
→‎Rose Empire: Messed around with the first sentence for ease of reading.
m (→‎Rose Empire: Messed around with the first sentence for ease of reading.)
==== Rose Empire ====
OnThe [[Rose Empire]] was on the same continent as Teod (though distant from it) was the [[Rose Empire]].{{cite}} It had many provinces, including but not limited to [[Mulla’dil]], [[MaiPon]], [[Dzhamar]], [[Ukurgi]]. They had some diplomatic trade with other nations, such as [[Svorden]] and [[Jindo]]. The empire also maintains a little used pass that leads to [[Teod]]. Certain segments of the population seem to have a concept of Realmatic Theory.
== Cosmere ==
