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(→‎History: Finally got the completely redone history section for Sel up.)
== History ==
;300 years before the Reod
: The [[Fjordell]] First Empire collapses{{book ref|Elantris|5}}
: The Fjordell nation adopts the [[Shu-Dereth]] religion{{book ref|Elantris|43}}
=== Early History and Mythology ===
;100 years before the Reod
At an unknown date the planet was settled by [[Devotion]] and [[Dominion]] against the rules made by the original shard holders. [[Odium]] used this as justification to attack both of the shards,{{wob ref|8358}} this battle resulted in their splintering. Their investure was then moved from the spiritual realm into the cognitive to prevent anyone else from taking the Shards. This latent investure became dangerous plasma{{wob ref|6852}} and was named the [[Dor]]{{au ref|Sel}} and some of these [[splinter|splinters]] became the [[seon|seons]] and [[skaze]].{{wob ref|5492}}{{wob ref|7103}}{{wob ref|4679}}{{wob ref|5991}}{{wob ref|3024}}{{wob ref|3972}} They were created from the investure of Devotion and Dominion respectively.{{wob ref|4547}} Because of this the worlds magic systems also all became region specific.{{wob ref|1768}} These consequences were a side effect of Odium's actions, he didn't intend them to happen.{{wob ref|8428}}
: Baron [[Shuden]]'s family move to Arelon{{book ref|Elantris|11}}
Three major empires eventually formed on Sel, due to the planets size these empires largely ignored each other considering the others as irrelevant.{{au ref|Sel}} One of the reasons for this isolation is the difficulty between travelling between the empires.{{wob ref|2813}}{{wob ref|4796}} Two such empires are the [[Rose Empire]] and [[Fjordell]]. [[Shu-Keseg]] rose as a religion focused on the unity of all people.{{wob ref|10407}}{{wob ref|1970}} A schism later formed in the religion over a disagreement on what unity meant, this lead to the creation of the [[Shu-Korath]] and [[Shu-Dereth]] traditions.{{wob ref|1970}}
;60 years before the Reod
: [[Dilaf]] is born in Fjordell{{book ref|Elantris|60}}
The original Fjordell empire was formed and the first [[Wyrn]] was created. The empire eventually collapsed three hundred years before the events of Elantris.{{book ref|elantris|5}} Around this time a schism formed in the Shu-Keseg faith forming [[Shu-Korath]] and [[Shu-Dereth]].{{book ref|elantris|43}} The remnants of the Fjorden empire blamed their collapse on a lack of true unity, as a result they adopted the newly formed [[Shu-Dereth]] as the state religion,{{book ref|elantris|43}} it was hoped that by doing so they would prevent any future rebellions or political problems.{{wob ref|2072}} They mixed the Shu-Dereth faith with Fjorden mythology and made Jaddeth the central deity of their religion.{{book ref|elantris|43}}{{wob ref|2072}} A movement was began to update their religious and historical texts in order to make it seem that Fjorden was always of this faith and that the first Wyrn also worshipped Jaddeth.{{book ref|elantris|43}}
;50 years before the Reod
: Dilaf joins the Monastery at [[Dakhor]]{{book ref|Elantris|60}}
=== The New Fjorden Empire ===
;40 years before the Reod
: [[Teod]] expels all Derethi priests from its territory{{book ref|Elantris|9}}
The monasteries of Fjorden were formed and began training their members.{{book ref|elantris|15}} These monasteries and internal Fjorden politics began to be influenced by the Skaze,{{wob ref|4640}}{{wob ref|4641}} in particular their want for power.{{wob ref|6167}} Overtime this new empire expanded so as to include most of the continent, with only [[Duladel]], [[Teod]] and [[Arelon]] resisting them. By this time the new empire had become stronger than the original ever was, though their strength was in the power of their priests rather than military might.{{book ref|elantris|5}} [[Wulfden]] the fourth became the new Wyrn and leader of the Shu-Dereth church. Feeling threatened by this new Wyrn the leaders of Shu-Korath named [[Seinalan]] as their new high priest because of their relative youth.{{book ref|elantris|38}}
;20 years before the Reod
: [[Hrathen]] joins the Derethi priesthood and spends a short time at Dakhor Monastery{{book ref|Elantris|12}}{{book ref|Elantris|60}}
: Dilaf leaves Dakhor for Arelon{{book ref|Elantris|60}}
An earthquake happened near the city of [[Elantris]], this earthquake then triggered an event known as the [[Reod]] causing Elantris to fall. The earthquake was not due to natural causes.{{wob ref|9883}} The native Elantrians became [[hoed]]s and Arelon government collapsed.{{book ref|elantris|5}} The majority of damage and death during the resulting riots was caused by the countries servant class. After the riots eased the government was replaced with a system where the wealthiest ruled the country.{{book ref|elantris|5}} The newly empowered merchant class blamed the riots on the servants of the city being too pampered.{{book ref|elantris|5}} King Iadon was crowned in response.
;15 years before the Reod
: Princess [[Sarene]] is born in Teod{{book ref|Elantris|2}}
Deciding that the new system of wealth based politics was unstable he secretly wrote a new law that was to take effect either 15 years after it was written or after his death, whichever came first, he then entrusted this with Seinalan. The law removed the wealth based system of Arelon government and made it's positions be determined by linage like other nations, he based this model of Teod's.{{book ref|elantris|38}} To foster peace with the Fjorden empire he also allowed for Shu-Dereth priests to preach to their people.{{book ref|elantris|5}} Nevertheless the empire remained dissatisfied and a push was made by Fjorden to convert the leaders of Arelene from Shu-Keseg to Shu Dereth and have them pledge loyalty.{{book ref|elantris|5}} The nation of Teod also spoke less with Arelon after the events of the Reod.{{book ref|elantris|16}}
;10 years before the Reod
: Dilaf's wife, [[Seala]], accidentally made [[Hoed]] by a failed Elantrian healing {{book ref|Elantris|25}}
Gyron Hrathen was aassigned to convert Duladel to the Empire, it was one of the few remaining nations offering resistance. Within six months he managed to lead a revolution that led to the deaths of the republican class and collapse of its government.{{book ref|elantris|15}} In its place a monarchy was formed and Shu-Dereth pronounced the state religion at the expence of to the [[Jesker]] religion.{{book ref|elantris|16}} This event caused a renewed interest in an alliance between Teod and Arelon, a marriage was planned between prince Roaden and princess Sarene.{{book ref|elantris|16}} Having successfully converted Duladel Hrathen was then dispatched to Arelon. Unknown to him [[Dilaf]], his old mentor,{{book ref|elantris|60}} was already dispatched to the area and preparing to invade it.{{book ref|elantris|57}} Upon meeting Hrathen failed to recognise him and also misunderstood his orders as to convert the people of Arelon, not destroy them.{{book ref|elantris|3}}{{book ref|elantris|57}}
;5 years before the Reod
: [[Seinalan]] made Patriarch of Shu-Korath in response to [[Wulfden the Fourth]] becoming Wyrn of Shu-Dereth{{book ref|Elantris|38}}
: [[Dreok Crushthroat]] attempts to take the throne of Teod but is defeated{{book ref|Elantris|20}}
Before the marriage of Sarene and Raoden could take place Raoden found himself taken by the Shaod.{{book ref|elantris|1}} An effort was made by Sarene to oppose Hrathen's preaching and his attempts to instate Telrii as the new king of Arelon. Telrii had agreed that if he became king he would make Arelon convert to Shu-Dereth. After Sarene discovered the King Iaoden was part of the religious cult known as the [[Jeskeri Mysteries]] where he sacrificed women the king was dethroned.{{book ref|elantris|32}} After this event king Iadon killed himself.{{book ref|elantris|35}} To try and prevent the nation of Arelon from falling into Derethi control it was decided that Sarene had to marry [[Roail]] in order to legitimize his claim to the throne.{{book ref|elantris|35}}
;2 years before the Reod
: Prince Raoden's mother dies{{book ref|Elantris|2}}
Before the marriage the funeral of King Iadon took place and as per his will a new law was pronounced by Seinalan that reformed the Arelon government again.{{book ref|elantris|38}} Hrathen managed to make it appear Sarene was taken by the Heod before her marriage stopping it.{{book ref|elantris|38}} This led to Telrii being crowned king of Arelon.{{book ref|elantris|47}} After this Telrii refused to follow through on the deal he made with Hrathen unless he was also made a Gyron as a Gyron held greater power in the Fjorden empire.{{book ref|elantris|48}} He insisted on this despite Hrathen's protests that such a thing was impossible. Seeing this failure Dilaf then announced his true rank as Gragdet and the true nature of Hrathen mission. He then began the [[invasion of Arelon]].{{book ref|elantris|57}} During the invasion Raoden worked out how to undo the Reod and restore Elantris.{{book ref|elantris|61}} With their renewed power the Fjoredell army was removed and Raoden and Sarene were both crowned the new leaders of Arelon.{{book ref|elantris|63}}
: The [[Reod]] occurs, fall of [[Elantris (city)|Elantris]], rise of the merchant class{{book ref|Elantris|prologue}}
: [[Eshen]] is married to King [[Iadon]]{{book ref|Elantris|2}}
The Skaze for a brief time worked alongside Hoid.{{wob ref|8377}} Hoid promised them that he could become an [[Elantrian]], when his efforts failed the Skaze mocked him for it.{{book ref|elantris|epilogue}}
;5 years since the Reod
: [[Adien]] taken by the Shaod{{book ref|Elantris|60}}
=== The Rose Empire ===
;8 years since the Reod
: [[Soine]], daughter of Telrii, taken by the Shaod{{book ref|Elantris|22}}
The Shu-Dereth religion never historically threatened the Rose Empire because they view it's land as not holy.{{wob ref|259}} The Rose Empire was ruled by 80 factions, one faction for each sun that they believed existed.{{tes ref|2}}{{tes ref|42}} These factions then elect an emperor to sit on the Rose Throne.
;9 years since the Reod
: Prince [[Raoden]] is first contacted by princess [[Sarene]]{{book ref|Elantris|16}}
:: Five months later she proposes{{book ref|Elantris|16}}
: [[Hrathen]] is assigned to [[Duladel Republic]]{{book ref|Elantris|15}}
:: Six months later the Duladel Republic collapses{{book ref|Elantris|16}}
Emperor [[Yazad]] died and under pressure from his faction [[Ashravan]] put himself forward for the position. This was accepted and he became the new emperor.{{tes ref|17}} Initially he hoped to lead a series of reformations to help the empire{{tes ref|30}} His desire waned however and he became distracted with the bureaucracy of the empire.{{tes ref|42}}{{tes ref|52}}
;10 years since the Reod
: Raoden is struck by the Shaod and sent to Elantris{{book ref|Elantris|1}}
: Sarene arrive in [[Arelon]]{{book ref|Elantris|2}}
: Hrathen arrives in Arelon{{book ref|Elantris|3}}
; 1 month after Raoden is struck by the Shaod
: Iadon hangs himself{{book ref|Elantris|35}}
: [[Telrii]] is crowned king{{book ref|Elantris|47}}
; 2 months after Raoden is struck by the Shaod
: Raoden discovers the need for the Chasm line in [[Aon]]s{{book ref|Elantris|61}}
: Raoden and Sarene are crowned King and Queen{{book ref|Elantris|63}}
: The [[invasion of Arelon]]{{book ref|Elantris|57}}
The [[Glory Faction]] of the empire moved in and assassinated emperor Ashraven. His wounds were fixed by a [[Resealer]] however he was left brain damaged.{{tes ref|85}} Because his wife died as well his faction, the [[Heritage Faction]] claimed that he was well and in his customary 100 days of mourning. In desperation they turned to a [[Forgery|Forger]] known as [[Shai]] in order to recreate the Emperor's soul.{{tes ref|2}} She succeeded in these efforts and also escaped the country on the 98th day of her imprisonment.{{tes ref|98}} Ashraven had their soul recreated and they quickly worked out what had happened,{{tes ref|98}} his soul was made so that he would remember his old ideals and bring about the reforms he had wanted to as a youth.{{tes ref|101}}
;Unknown number of years later
: [[Shai]] spends 100 days forging [[Ashravan]]'s soul.
== Invested Arts ==