Diferencia entre revisiones de «Sedetormenta»

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Little is known of the appearance of ancient Stormseat. Although the Song of War claims that the city "covered" the [[Shattered Plains]], the surviving images of it paint it as rather small, though it likely had numerous outbuildings and satelite towns.{{epigraph ref|sa2|26}}{{book ref|sa2|60}} Within the city itself, several landmarks could be distinguished, among them a tall tower in the very centre and the dias housing the city's [[Oathgate]] to the south-west of it.{{file ref|Stormseat Mosaic.jpeg|Stormseat Mosaic}}{{book ref|sa2|81}} It's known that Stormseat had a temple dedicated to the [[Herald]] [[Chana]], with a large mosaic on its leeward side.{{book ref|sa2|77}} If Stormseat was similar to other major cities from the era, like [[Kholinar]] and [[Thaylen City|Thaylen]], it's possible every Herald had a temple of their own within its walls.{{file ref|Thaylen City.jpg|Map of Thaylen City}}{{file ref|Kholinar.jpg|Map of Kholinar}}
In the present day, the city is split between numerous plateaus. The largest of them comprises the plaza that houses the ancient tower, as well as its surroundings buildings,. and itIt is there that the [[listener]]s live. Of its stuctures, the tower is by far the best-preserved, as centuries of highstorms have toppled most otherof the structurescity and covered themit in [[crem]]. While the ancient purpose of some buildings can still be guessed at, oftenoftentimes the ancient houses and halls are utterly unrecognizable as man-made constructs.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}} Though numerous structures have been completely filled in with crem and rocks, just as many remain empty within, hiding what remains of Stormseat's once-great past — remnants of its inhabitants, rotten furniture and even rusted door hinges. The air within is humid, and musty with age.{{book ref|sa2|83}}
Rather than excavating Stormseat, the listeners constructed their own settlement atop the city's bones. The rocky shelves have been transformed into barracks and homes, while carapaces of [[greatshell]]s form ramshacke houses. Inside, crem is used to divide them into separate rooms, with additional layer on the outer walls to provide insulation. Mounds of former buildings serve as [[rockbud]] farms, while many houses grow [[shalebark]] on the outside. Both the homes and the farms are built in the shadows of the older structures, to protect them from highstorms.{{book ref|sa2|i|1}}{{book ref|sa2|i|4}} This does not make them completely protected, however. As the highstorm arrives, the listeners stuff rags under the doors, set up support beams under the walls, and close up their windows, hammering in large blocks of wood to secure them.{{book ref|sa2|i|5}}
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