Diferencia entre revisiones de «Scadrial»

1 byte añadido ,  hace 8 años
At the time of the [[Final Empire]], the planet was characterised by its ashfalls and nightly mists. When Scadrial was moved closer to the sun by Rashek, the temperature on Scadrial increased dramatically. To counter this Rashek created the [[ashmounts]] in the northern hemisphere nearby the pole, to pump ferromagnetic ash and gas into the sky to reflect some of the heat back into space. This decreased heat near the north pole but unfortunately, the thicker atmosphere raised the temperature of the rest of Scadrial, turning it into an uninhabitable desert, known as the [[burnlands]]. Rashek also radically altered the geography of Scadrial, rotating the crust of the planet further south, and flattening mountain ranges, and creating new ones elsewhere, all to hide the location of the Well of Ascension. The magnetic and geographic poles of Scadrial used to be the same, but when Rashek moved the Well south from the north pole, the magnetic pole followed it.{{annotation ref|hoa|chapter=76}}
The Final Empire existed in the northern hemisphere, but life managed to survive elsewhere as well. Rashek realized that this ash would make it hard for humans to survive, and the new plants that could survive the ash would be difficult for them to live off of. So he altered the physiology of humanity, changing them so that they were more capable of living in this new world. He also created the Balance; he made the noblemen taller, stronger, more intelligent, and less fertile, and changechanged everyone else, except the Terrismen, into the race that would be known as the skaa. They were shorter, hardier, and had many children.{{epigraph ref|mb3|25}} Rashek was worried that his changes to humanity would result in some unseen complication that would cause humans to become extinct. He decided to move a portion of the population to the south pole, and leave them unchanged, giving them some other unknown method of survival.
Few plants and animals survived from the world before, except horses, and some dogs. Rashek also created some entirely new animals. He designed new plants that could break down the falling ash, and microbes that broke it down as part of their biological processes, in order to prevent the ashfalls from covering the world, as [[Ruin]] later attempted to do by making the ashmounts produce more ash.
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