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=== The World of Ash ===
[[File:Final_Empire_Opening_Scene.jpg|thumb|right|400px|Scadrial during the Final Empire, by [[Coppermind: ArtistArtists/Francis Goeltner|Francis Goeltner]]]]
At the time of the [[Final Empire]], the planet was characterised by ashfalls and nightly mists. Scadrial was moved closer to the sun by Rashek, causing the temperature on Scadrial to increase dramatically. To counter this Rashek created the [[ashmounts]] in the northern hemisphere near the pole, to pump ferromagnetic ash and gas into the sky to reflect heat back into space. This decreased heat near the north pole but the thicker atmosphere raised the temperature of the rest of Scadrial, turning it into an uninhabitable desert, known as the [[burnlands]]. Rashek radically altered the geography of Scadrial, rotating the crust of the planet further south, and flattening mountain ranges, and creating new ones elsewhere, all to hide the location of the Well of Ascension. The magnetic and geographic poles of Scadrial were the same, but when the Well was moved south from the north pole, the magnetic pole followed it.{{annotation ref|hoa|chapter=76}}
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