Diferencia entre revisiones de «Scadrial»

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Near the south pole of Scadrial is another inhabited continent. This area was a much harsher place to live in, as there were no Ashmounts during the days of the Final Empire to protect it. During the Catacendre the land froze, and remained frozen over 3 centuries later, with the people there only surviving due to the intervention of [[Kelsier]].{{book ref|mb6|21}}. It is described as a cold place of ice, with 5 distinct groups in society, each of which wear masks but in their own way. The people live in towers, and hire out small craft to ferry them between towers. They are very aware of the cosmere, having been educated on the matter by [[Kelsier]], being aware of [[Adonalsium]] as well as the nature of both shards on [[Scadrial]].{{book ref|mb6|22}}
The people to the south are highly advanced. This is mentioned by [[Harmony]] himself several times, as he ponders over whether he has made life too easy for those living in the Basin, thus stunting their need to advance to survive. They are capable of using metalminds without any identity to them, which can then be used by anyone.{{book ref|mb6|21}} They also have access to large numbers of flying craft. Their mining is extensive, as [[Allik Neverfar]] mentions that it is common knowledge that they managed to dig down deep enough into the mantle for temperatures to increase greatly, even on a frozen continent full of ice.{{book ref|mb6|24}} Furthermore they also have access to a strange metal known as "ettmetal", which is capable of storing pure invesitureinvestiture in it to use as a fuel source for allomancy. This metal is somewhat similar to alkali metals in that it reacts fiercely with water, leading to combustion, and thus is used by the southern peoples in their bombs.{{book ref|mb6|21}}
==== Calendar ====
MilleniaMillennia ago, the [[Shard]]s [[Ruin]] and [[Preservation]] arrived on Scadrial. Since they were paired Shards with opposite intents, nothing could be created or destroyed, as they wished it could be. They were locked in an eternal conflict. But then a pact was struck. Preservation offered Ruin a bargain. If Ruin would help him create life on Scadrial, to make plants and animals, Preservation would eventually allow him to destroy the whole planet. In addition to his word, Preservation offered him proof that Ruin could destroy everything. Preservation's greatest wish was to create sentient life, humans patterned after the other humans [[Ati]] and [[Leras]] had once known. In order to create humans with a spark of intelligence, it would require a small amount more of Preservation's power than Ruin's. This made Preservation slightly weaker, meaning Ruin would eventually overcome his opposite, and destroy Scadrial. However, Preservation decided to break the agreement, in order to save the world. He couldn't overcome Ruin with his power, he was too weak. So Preservation decided to trap Ruin's mind in a prison, where Ruin would be practically powerless. In order to trap Ruin's mind Preservation used his own mind to forge the prison, sacrificing his cognition for the greater good.
Preservation did not leave the humans without hope to defend themselves if Ruin managed to break free. He left the people of Scadrial with the [[Terris Prophecies]]. They spoke of a series of heroes who would come to take the power of Preservation at the Well of Ascension every thousand years to become a protector of humanity. Eventually, a final hero would come, known as the Hero of Ages, a person who would bear the future of the world on his arms. This person would take up the power of Preservation, to save the world.
