Diferencia entre revisiones de «Sarene»

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She is also known as being brusque and occasionally sarcastic and patronizing to those who underestimate or try to manipulate her. She is a natural leader, as evidenced by her immediate taking over of Raoden's revolutionary group, despite strong personalities such as [[Roial]] and [[Ahan]]. She is never satisfied with an unsolved mystery, and will allow herself to be sidetracked by unraveling them. Not only that, but she can detect quite well whens he is being lied to, and is very rarely wrong.
She seeks to better the lives of others, such as when she brings food to the [[Elantrians]]{{ref|text=[[Elantris/SummarrySummary#Chapter_23|''Elantris'' Chapter 23]]}}, works to overthrow King Iadon's system of government{{ref|text=''Elantris''}}, and works with the women of [[Arelon]] to improve their status in society.{{ref|text=[[Elantris/Summary#Chapter_14|''Elantris'' Chapter 14]]}}
== History ==