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Worldhopping is possible in several ways: the first is to travel via space (since all the Cosmere is in a dwarf galaxy) using technology or some form of Investiture, such as AonDor (as it is used at the end of the novel Elantris to travel instantaneously). The other is to travel to the [[Cognitive Realm]] using some ability of their magic system or via a [[Perpendicularity]]. Travel to other planets can then be achieved simply by walking due to the way that the cognitive realm distorts around areas without any Cognitive presence (such as people.) This distortion causes the large spaces in between planets to not exist, allowing travel between them to be possible through normal methods once on the cognitive plane.
Only one magic system, [[Surgebinding]], has been confirmed to allow access to the Cognitive Realm. However, all Shardworlds have their own ways of reaching it.{{qawob ref|585|87666}} Since Galladon and Demoux are somehow able to worldhop, it is likely that [[AonDor]] and [[Allomancy]] or one of the other [[Metallic Arts]] allows access to the Cognitive Realm. This is further confirmed by the fact that someone from [[Scadrial]] accessing [[Shadesmar]] is a plot point for a future book.{{qawob ref|700|67265}} Additionally, someone associated with [[House Venture]] is known to have been operating a mercantile through the [[Pits of Hathsin]] before [[Kelsier]] destroyed it.{{msh ref|2|1}}{{wob ref|1514}}
At some point in Sel's distant past, [[Odium]] killed the [[Vessel]]s of both Devotion and Dominion and Splintered the two Shards.{{article ref|The Letter}} The collective power of the Splintered Shards became somehow trapped in the [[Cognitive Realm]], and is now what Selish people call the [[Dor]].{{book ref|arcanum unbounded}} Because of this, while travel to Sel is possible via the Cognitive Realm (for example, one can use a [[Perpendicularity]] that exists in the form of [[The Lake|a pool of sapphire-colored liquid]] near Elantris), the raging uncontrolled power of the Dor makes travel in that manner "really tough"{{qawob ref|977|111078}}{{17s ref|post|408044}}.
== Known Worldhoppers ==
{{for|:Category: Worldhoppers}}
* [[Hoid]]{{qawob ref|690|394414}}
* [[Galladon]]{{qawob ref|618|4910085}}
* [[Demoux]]{{qawob ref|675|106683}}
* [[Khriss]] and [[Nazh]]
* [[Nightblood]]{{book ref|sa2|88}}
* [[Vasher]]{{qawob ref|1076|127157}}
* [[Vivenna]]
* [[Denth]]{{qawob ref|1182|291511}}
* [[Shashara]]{{qawob ref|1182|631548}}
* [[Baon]]{{qawob ref|1047|69208}}{{qawob ref|1034|2110409}}
* [[Mraize]]{{qawob ref|1097|201394}}
* [[Iyatil]]{{qawob ref|1097|201394}}
* [[Felt]], a spy for [[House Venture]]{{book ref|mb1|31}} who is later seen acting as an Alethi scout on [[Roshar]]{{book ref|sa2|81}}
* An [[Lemex' nurse|unnamed Terriswoman]] who was on [[Nalthis]] with [[Lemex]]{{17s ref|post|561711}}
* Several unnamed Kandra{{qawob ref|1112|116438}}{{17s ref|post|339168}}
* An unknown number of unidentified Rosharans
{{17s ref|post|561711|text=He said someone in Poland had figured out who the Warbreaker Terriswoman was|date=2017-05-12}}
{{qa ref|585|8|Should we take this to mean Shadesmar is how he travels between the worlds? Do the other worlds have different ways of accessing Shadesmar than the way(s) the people of Roshar use?|date=06 December 2011}}
{{qa ref|700|6|How could a person from Scadrial access Shadesmar?|date=May 31st, 2011}}
{{qa ref|690|39|Or, in other words, are all of your "Hoids" one person?|date=Jul, 2009}}
{{qa ref|618|49|Is Galladon the Dula in Way of Kings?|date=Aug 4th, 2011}}
{{qa ref|675|10|Is Thinker from the Purelake scene Demoux [from the Mistborn Trilogy]?|date=Dec 15th, 2011}}
{{qa ref|977|11|Can anyone with access to Shadesmar learn how to worldhop?|date=Sep, 2012}}
{{qa ref|1034|21|What are some characteristics of and how many other wordhoppers are there that we have seen...?|date=Sep 24th, 2013}}
{{qa ref|1047|6|You do know that I've got a character in one of the books named "Bowen?"|date=Mar 29th, 2014}}
{{qa ref|1076|12|When you were planning Zahel being Vasher, how long did you do that?|date=Mar 6th, 2014}}
{{qa ref|1091|2|I've picked up in bits in pieces that it's possible, for some people at least, to use the Shardpools to worldhop...|date=November 29th, 2014}}
{{qa ref|1097|20|Yes, he's been to a few planets, highly supervised by his babsk.|date=December 6th, 2014}}
{{qa ref|1112|11|Are there kandra hiding in any of your books, besides the Mistborn ones?|date=April 16th, 2014}}
{{qa ref|1182|29|Has Denth ever been to Scadrial?|date=Dec 6th, 2016}}
{{qa ref|1182|63|So, Vasher, and maybe some of the other ones have been off world|date=Dec 6th, 2016}}