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== Appearance and Anatomy ==
[[File: Axehounds by Abigail Barker.jpg|thumb|left|200px|<center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Abigail Barker|Abigail Barker]]</small></center>]]Axehounds are hexapedal creatures with a smooth hide is that is a sort of cross between skin and carapace. It is more flexible than true carapace, but, like carapace is formed of interlocking sections. They have a fluting fish-like tail. Axehounds have a pair of feather-like antennae positioned on the top of their heads which they can move as a form of communication. They have ear holes slightly further back on the sides of their heads. Axehounds have a main jaw as well as a pair of outer mandibles that they use to break into the shells of their prey. Their blood is violet.{{file ref|Axehound by Shallan.jpg|An Axehound|post=&nbsp;from [[Shallan's sketchbook]]}}{{book ref|wok|i|2}}{{book ref|wor|45}}
There are a wide variety of breeds of Axehounds. The largest come up to a man's waist while the smallest can easily hide in the underbrush of a lait. Smaller breeds of axehounds tend to be very fast.{{book ref|wok|i|2}}{{book ref|wok|45}}{{book ref|wor|30}}